
  1. Brendt

    Off the Chart GH & KH Reading

    hi all, my fish tank is currently in a Fishless cycle a 10 Gal and today i decided to test the GH and KH of my tap water as some people on here were saying for me to test the GH and KH to see what kind of fish are compatible with my tank. well either i did it wrong or my GH and KH are off the...
  2. Cameronb_01

    Ph Controllers

    Hi Guys,   I have been keeping tropical fish now for three years and I have  always wanted to keep discus fish. However they require quite low Ph and for years I have been told by the people in my LFS that the only way to do this is by using a barrel to collect rainwater or by putting a large...
  3. S

    Ammonia Levels At 8.0 Ppm! Help!

    Hello, We recently noticed that out tiger barbs were just laying around, not eating as much, and losing a lot of color. We are beginners so we do not know much about taking care of fish tanks. It is a fairly new tank it is about 2-3 weeks old. So we bought an API Liquid Test kit and the levels...
  4. RossC

    High Ph In Pond

    I water tested my pond water today and found everything was 0ppm but the pH was at 8.4! Now my tapwater is around 7.4 and I'm not using any buffers and as far as I'm aware there isn't anything such as rocks that could adjust the pH so much, its got a thin gravel substrate. I have noticed the...
  5. A

    Looking For Fish Ideas For Small Tank

    Hi everyone. I am actually looking to replace the fish that I used to have in a small tank. (and I mean small)   There is a small 1.5g in my kitchen (my fiance's tank). It has no heater, but does get warmth from the window that it's under (not in front of, the window is above it). We had been...