
  1. NatCardiff88

    Help! Discus not eating,hiding and ball hanging out of anus - unsure if prolapse or disease

    Hi There Please can someone help and advise to treatment with my one discus. She’s been hiding and not eating tried using entice but no joy. She hasn’t showed any symptoms but now has a ball hanging out of anus. I want to treat straightway but unsure if this is a prolapse, hexamita or worms...
  2. M

    Please help! Dosing General Cure for Suspected Hexamita (to protect living fish)

    Hi All, thanks in advance for the help. I am relatively new to fish keeping (~6 months) and new to this forum (first time registering/posting today). I have a 20 gallon heavily planted tank: 5 Neon Tetras 7 Pristella Tetras 1 Mollie 2 Platy Some context: Until recently I also had 2 Bolivian...