help a noob

The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. J

    Tiger barb male or female?

    Any idea if these are female or male?
  2. S

    Is my mollys pregnant?

    Hi I'm new here 👋 I have some Molly 🐟 But I don't know if it is pregnant or just fat molly I have 3 of them 🥰 "black, white and orange" And please tell me if I can know when it will be give birth 🤔 That's the best shot I get 😄
  3. N

    Help! Female Guppy’s tail is turning black!

    Hey all, I’m new to fish/aquarium’s, I have a 5 gallon aquarium, 3 female guppy’s, 1 male guppy and a snail. Water was cloudy for a week, and it started getting better the second week, but I noticed one of my females guppy’s tails had turned black. Did a full tank clean, and in the secondary...
  4. J

    Betta Fish Fin Rot

    Hi everyone, this is Vistopher. Before I got a live plant I had a plastic one and I think that hurt his dorsal fin, reddit users said he has a mild case of fin rot. He is currently in a smaller tank and I am doing 30% water changes daily with aquarium salt and general tonic. Do you think his...
  5. I

    Help! Molly fish keep dying

    Hi, I’m pretty new to fish keeping and this is my first time keeping mollies. My tank is over 1 month old and had been cycled before adding any fish. The tank now contains 3 mollies and 3 emerald eye rasboras. It’s only the mollies that are getting sick. They start acting lethargic and then...
  6. J

    Bumps on rasbora bellies?

    Hello, just joined here, been reading countless posts anonymously so time to make mine though I wasn't expecting it to be this way lol. So I did a water change last Saturday cleaned the filter using the aquarium water, gravel vacuumed and cleaned the hard water stains. The water got a...
  7. F

    Plant identification help.

    Hey guys I recently purchased these aquatic plant from somebody who was selling them but didnt identify them. I also went to local pet stores and they did not know what it was… (the ones at the front and at the back). Your help would be very much appreciated!! Thank you! :) Also was wondering...
  8. B

    Does this look like a healthy tank?

    Hi! This is my first fish tank, it’s a heavily planted 7 gallon, and for stocking I have some snails, 2 ghost shrimp, and 10 phoenix and strawberry Rasbora. I feed them everyday a little pinch of fish flakes, and about 1-2 times a week I give them brine shrimp. I have had this tank setup for...
  9. S


    I have had my tank for about 9 or so months. Recently added a yellow mimic tang. Today i just noticed this. Is this ich? What do I do?! This is my first time dealing with this. None of my other fish have those spots. I went to a local pet store and a marine employee said he has seen tangs have...
  10. Billokas

    Southern platy fish with white stringy poop, not eating and staying in the surface

    Hi Everyone, I am worried about my platies. I have 4 in total, 2 mickey mouse (which are fine) and 2 Southern. Last week one of the southern stop eating, hence the white poop, lost weight and was kinda isolating herself since yesterday the other platy started to have the same behavior. Last...
  11. F

    SOS! Is any molly pregnant?

    Hello friends, i am new here, i was looking for a forum to post my mollies to check if any of these 2 mollies is pregnant. I am waiting for a fast answer so i can put the pregnant in safe place to give birth! Thank you for your time.
  12. C

    Cories Panting - At a loss!

    Hi all, New to this forum. I've had a betta for about two years and recently decided to expand into cories. My local tropical fish store is run by hobbyists and has high reviews, so I decided to trust them when I bought two pepper and one albino cory to accompany my betta in my 10 gallon tank...
  13. S

    New guppies some with fish rot - separate?

    Hi all, I’m new to here and new to fish 🐠 We have just bought 6 new guppies (2 days ago), one has already died from fish rot (the yellow)- he had it when we brought them home but being new didn’t notice until yesterday due to is slow behaviour and a thought that it’s fin was very short...
  14. R

    Ick help… new owner needs help

    Hi guys, I am a very new aquarium owner and am relatively nuanced about aquariums. My 29 gallon aquarium has an ick outbreak and I responded by adding doses of ick clear and removing the carbon from the filter. I added air stones and a sponge filter. My mollies and loaches seem to be acting...
  15. M

    Cloudy water, no fish, please help?

    Hello, I’ll start by saying i am a massive beginner in this hobby and i’m just looking for some help :) My tank is a 10 gallon tank with a filter, heater, and bubbler. it has four fake plants and a piece of wood, all of which were rinsed thoroughly with water. the gravel is from petco, and was...
  16. B

    Adding new plants to my co2 established tank

    Hi guys, I have a 36 gallon tank and was wondering what do you guys normally do/how is it suppose to be done when adding a new plant that wasn’t living in a co2 tank and transferring it into one that I dose daily with liquid co2. If that even makes sense? It’s a Madagascar lace Unfortunately...
  17. P

    Betta fish needs urgent help!

    Guys i would appreciate a quick response, and i would be very thankful for all responses, im a new betta fish owner and i have no idea whats happening to her. my betta fish was being inactive for a last 3-4 days, I had it since 1 year now its my first fish and im very attached to it, few days...
  18. Y

    Betta fish SUDDENLY losing color

    I’ve had this betta for maybe 3-4 years now. I kept him in a betta bowl for most his life unfortunately. He was always healthy and made frequent bubble nests. After moving him to a 5 gallon with perfect parameters and weekly water changes he got sick. His bones poked out of his back fins and I...
  19. Duckquarium

    2.5g betta, needing a cleanup crew

    I have (pic related) set up right now with a betta and a couple snails. The snails have been keeping the glass clean just fine but the substrate is a little messy, can i swap a snail for a shrimp or two or is that gonna strangle my betta? Dont judge my diver head i thought it was kind of funny...
  20. F

    Fishless cycling help

    Hello! I started my fishless cycling process about 2 weeks ago. I added the right amount of Dr Tims ammonia to my 8G tank. I’m also adding nitrifying bacteria every so often too. The ammonia reading is about 3.0ppm and my nitrite is around 2.0ppm . Does this mean the cycling is working? And if...
  21. Yuhui

    Lonely cardinal tetras with ich

    Hello there, I’m new to owning fishes and is been 5 days since I started in the fish community, so I need some help :). I have two cardinal tetras who recently got infected with ich, but I started treatments when I saw them. Fortunately, after three days of treatment the ich was gone but is...
  22. S

    Received Betta for White Elephant, Noob at Fish Keeping, Fish seems Sick! SOS!

    Hello everyone! I've been very stressed about my Betta, Dobby, I received him for a white elephant gift and I'm determined to be a good fish dad! Everything is new, tank, heater, lights, plants, filter, etc. Dobby won't eat and is hanging at the top of the time and is very lethargic! Took a...
  23. C

    Angel acting strange

    I have a 38 gallon community tank with two medium size angels( I have one more in a separate tank he’s too small for them right now I think, they where not very nice) before when I added the small angel my bigger veil tail was being a bit aggressive pecking at him. I only mention that because...
  24. S


    Hi there is me again...the dude with an overstocked tank :( 16g tank has 2 shubunkin gold fish and 2 giant danios (last time i told they were rainbow fish....m rly sorry about that....only now got a phone which was compatible with google lens...the lfs where i bought the fish from was no...
  25. B

    Why are my guppies staying near the surface of the tank?

    Hi, I recently got some guppies for my first fish tank and they spend most of their time at the surface. Is this normal? I have a filter installed and an airstone installed. The airstone seemed too powerful so I keep it on for a minute at some times during the day so I don't stress out the fish.
  26. S

    Free tank and fish to give away!

    Hi everyone, Need some help ASAP if at all possible! Sadly, my Mum passed away earlier this year. She left behind a decent sized tank with a few tetras and other tropical fish. I haven’t lived at home with her for a while but my brother still lived with her, however, he has no intention of...
  27. C

    Is my Betta ok?

    I’ve had my Betta about a month now and today I spotted this white/grey stuff on his tail. Is this a sign of disease? Or has he just got something stuck on there? His behaviour has not changed, he is still swimming around, eating and coming to the front of his tank to be sociable. He has a...
  28. S


    I bought a pair of female rainbow fish (i did not know they were schooling fish until i put them in my tank....and after that i am not able to find rainbows anywhere)....they are around 10 months with me(quite stress) recently(around a month) i am noticing one of the rainbow acting...
  29. biofish

    Odd behavior in my male guppies?

    So I’ve got a 29 gallon tank that’s divided in half. On one side I have my male guppies and the other my female. Anyway, I have one of the male guppies in an isolation box because he kept endlessly harassing a single other male guppy. The isolation box is mesh so it just sits in the main tank...
  30. A

    Betta Slime coat/receding fin

    Hi! I've had a betta fish for a few months now, and with every water change his fin recedes and has long tears along it. Initially I was told it was most likely fin rot, and I tried using bettafix and trisulfur tablets which helped a little, but would never cure his tail leaving it as bad as it...
  31. K

    Trying to Figure Out if This is Ich or Not?

    Okay, so I’ve had a small 5 gal with glofish for years, and I upgraded to a 15 not too long ago. Maybe a month ish? I let it sit with plants and filter for a while before acclimating the 4 glo tetras I had into it (plus some snails), and about a week ago I got another tetra and 5 cory cats. I...
  32. R

    Guppy Fry

    Hello! Can someone give me some tips at caring for 160+ guppy fry. My aunt wanted to throw her sons guppies (I separated them by gender the first time I got them) so I decided to adopt them since my brother has been wanting some for a while now, and noticed that 3 of them was pregnant, the...
  33. S

    Help me identify Doug:)

    So I bought this flowerhorn from ebay earlier this year. Personally I think it's a female but the eBay ad said it was male. Does Doug have poor genetics or is he a different type of FH as it also said he's supposed to be a super red dragon FH, but he has little to no red. Much appreciation in...
  34. Smallzzy505

    Is Cami ok?):

    Anyone know what could be wrong with my poor Cambria? I’ve had her for over 3 years, bought her when she had bad fin and tail rot. Recently she’s had white specs on her body that looked like her fins were “flaking” off, I thought it was Ich, or columnaris so ive used melafix and fungus cure, but...
  35. Aquarist2020

    How soon can I add corals?

    I know most people say the later the better but I don't really have the patience. I'm at the nitrate no3 spike right now. After the spike is over how soon can I put corals? Btw I'm using Fritz turbo start 900. Thank you.
  36. M

    Help Me With Algae Issues Please :)

    Hi everyone! I've had this tank for close to a year now and recently this algae has popped up. I've undergone multiple water changes, but it keeps coming back. What is it and what can I do? Thank you so much!!
  37. L

    Intestinal Parasite or fish poop?

    I have a 20 gal tank with wcmm and just decided to add guppies. The place i got them from was like a mom and pops fish store so I thought it would be okay to just add them in. Now that ive been looking more at the females I noticed some have this sting coming out of them but only them and I know...
  38. R84achey

    Before I kill off my fish Is this wood safe?

    I have these pieces of wood that were used in my spider tank and I’m wondering if it’s safe to use in my aquarium. I have a feeling the one at the front isn’t as it’s very light and feels and possibly porous. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I know it will need to be thoroughly cleaned...
  39. R84achey

    Confused by cycle

    Hi all So 3 days ago I started to cycle my tank. I added 3ml of ammonia and confirmed the amount by testing the water which measure 3.0mg/l. Here I am testing again and ammonia (nh3 & nh4) are now at 0mg/l, Nitrite is at 0.3mg/l & nitrate is at 25mg/l. I’ve read through the fishless cycle...