
  1. K

    Need Urgent help.

    Hi i need help with my tank. i done a 20 present water change today. treated the water before adding it into the tank. i also added fertiliser for my plants. couple of hours later 2 of my rasboras are upside down trying to swim. they started at the top of the tank floating. the rest of the fish...
  2. K

    Need help with my tanks cycling

    Hi I would like to start by saying this is my first tank. I have a basic understanding of the nitrate cycle. I've had the tank set up for 4 days now. I started by ghost feeding the aquarium for ammonia. I've test everyday and it still shows nothing. My tap water ph is around 6 to 6.5. When...
  3. GGI

    What can I do to help my betta fish?

    So he went from his beautiful blue and red to a pale color what should I do? I know it is bad if they go change different colors.
  4. R

    Fish sick with either ich or fungus please help identify!

    My freshwater tank recently has been affected by some sort of white disease primarily effecting my poor swordtails, I can’t identify whether it’s ich or a fungus, please help me
  5. SushiRollsAquabuds

    New coloring or concern?

    Context : ever since I saved Angel from terrible conditions he has changed colors over time. i got him as a pale white betta and over time changed to a slight red color that are shown throughout his fins. — Recently I have noticed that Angel has developed a red spot in his body .. I don’t know...
  6. SushiRollsAquabuds

    How to sink driftwood??

    Hello Everyone! I recently got a cool peace of driftwood. I am currently letting it sit on water for a week or two, but there seems to be a bit of a problem. It won’t sink! If anyone has tips on how to sink woods please let me know. (I am not a big fan of using glue on tanks , so I would...
  7. Stefan3289

    Possible ich?

    Hello all, I recently set up a betta sorority tank and it looks like one of them (which is who I would say is the dominant one of the group) seems to have a few white spots on her side. It looks like I caught it early but wanted to get a second opinion. I delt with ich before in my larger 75...
  8. Stefan3289

    EBA not eating well

    Hello all, I just went to feed my fish in my 75 gallon tank (listed below) 1 red spotted severum 1 Electric blue Acara (EBA) 5 Pb parrot convicts 2 boesemani rainbowfish 1 synodontis catfish I normally first feed the small pellets that the rainbowfish and PBs eat as they cannot fit the larger...
  9. J

    Power Outage

    I'm vaguely unsure on what to do at the moment. We have 3 fish tanks, 1 40gal, 1 3 gal, and a 75gal. All of them are planted tanks. The power has been out for about 45 minutes now, and according to the power company, will be out for another hour or so. What should I do??
  10. Stefan3289

    Mean boesemani rainbow fish

    Hello all, Sorry I have not been very active on the forum as I have been busy with school, but I have not stopped caring and loving my fish. I have posted something similar before, but it looks worse than I thought. So I have a 75 gallon aquarium with 1 synodontis catfish (featherfin) 1 red...
  11. SushiRollsAquabuds


    Good morning , I woke up to seeing little “worms“ or ” string-like” creatures on sushi’s tank, they are “walking” throughout the glass . I thought they were dust particles on my glass but then I looked closely and saw that they moved or floated on water. they are all over the tank . Is this...
  12. SushiRollsAquabuds

    I need help!! bettas eyes seem strange !

    I recently got a white platinum betta fish (unnamed) and I’ve recently noticed there’s something wrong with his eyes. I’ve noticed that he’s ”bumped” into the tank glass a lot and that he is unresponsive to my finger tapping on the glass. I’ve done some research and I think it could be cloud...
  13. Stefan3289

    Who is this visitor?

    Hello all, I sat today next to my 29 gallon aquarium and noticed near the heater there is a strange intruder. I have never bought a snail, so I’m wondering how he got into my tank? My only guess is when I bought the plants for my aquarium he must have been in one of the pots. Can anyone...
  14. MollyMan1

    Plant Identification

    My dad got this plant from Petsmart and it wasn't listed what type. Anyone know what type it is? Next week I may put in a half root tab next to it. It does have some black algae on it, if anyone know how to remove that I would be thankful. Or if anyone knows what type it is, I think it is Black...
  15. MollyMan1

    Algae Identification

    This black algae has been in my dad's 55 gallon for a long time. Algae doesn't bother him, but for me it does. I was wondering if it is bad for anything. Anyone know what type it is? (I think it may be black beard algae)? What would be the best way to remove it, maybe hydrogen peroxide bath? I...
  16. MollyMan1

    Plant Identification

    My dad has a 36 gallon and 55 galllon tank. In the 36 there is one lonely plant and I have no clue what it is. It is also pretty torn up from cichlids biting it. I am going to ask him to transfer it to the 55 community for a better life. Anyone know what type it is?
  17. joeyr188

    Is it safe to mix api super ich cure with stress-x

    I’ve been trying to figure it out but I can’t find anything about the 2 and if there safe to mix with each other.
  18. joeyr188

    Guppies with ICH!

    i Recently got guppies about 20ish from someone trying to get rid of the babies i decided I would buy a new tank and set it up I put them in a 5gal temporally I decided to move them to big tank with my 3 grown guppies i noticed nothing wrong now my adult guppies have ich im pretty sure I ordered...
  19. MollyMan1

    Pregnant fish questions

    Hello, I haven't been on this forum for quite a bit, mostly due to me being fine with how stuff is. Recently though, one of my dads tank has had a few pregnant fish. Now, we have had pregnant fish in this tank before and we extracted them (babies) and put them in a breeding box and then a even...
  20. Catfishs

    Corry catfish blowing bubbles

    Please help!! I have no idea what is happening I will test the water ang get back to this later. I have kept corrys for at least a year in my 20 gallon this has never happened EVER before. They are in my quantine that I recently did a water change on. I did use water conditioner. The temp is...
  21. Catfishs

    Corry catfish black spot

    I just got albino Corry cat fish from petco. They got a brand new shipment, and within about 4 hours at home 2 of 6 passed away. They seemed healthy and active like the others. They each had two black spots above the eye brow. I would love to know what it could mean. Should I treat the other fish?
  22. K

    Dwarf Gourami Fungus Please Help!

    Hello, I had made a previous post about some injured gourami that had fungus and needed to be treated. Unfortunately I lost 2 of them and my last little guy made it through the salt treatment for about a week and a half. I had started removing the salt through 25% water changes and by now...
  23. A

    Sick Bristlenose Pleco

    I bought a bristlenose Pleco three days ago. I put it in and it seemed fine, just a bit shy. On the first day it wasn’t eating, but it would move around the tank and suction into different walls. That night I measure the pH and it was a bit high, 7.4. I put pH down in it and measure the next day...
  24. K

    Fungus? And is Maracyn safe for Loaches and Snails?

    Hi, I have a 40 gallon freshwater tank with mollies, 3 dwarf gourami, mystery snails, cories, and a few kuhli loaches. I JUST transferred my gourami a few days ago after quarantining them as they're new. However I noticed that 2 of them have a bit of fungus (one on their tail fin and the other...
  25. MollyMan1

    Help! White hair? Growing on molly fish!

    Hello, I have a 20 gallon tank with 4 black mollies and 4 swordtails along with 1 corydora and a chinese algae eater. Here are the water parameters I tested today: ( Wednesday night I added two Jungle Fungus clear tablets to see if that would help the molly, I don't know if this would change the...
  26. K

    Not Sure What my Fish Have and How to Help :((

    I have a few mollies in my main tank & a couple weeks ago I noticed that my white/silver molly had some red right above/kinda in his mouth & sort of between his eyes. I honestly wasn't too sure if it was just the lighting (he kinda changes colors in the sun) or maybe he had fought with one of my...
  27. K

    Sick Black Molly-Help!!

    Hello, I have a black male molly I had bought from PetSmart about 2 months ago who has been swimming sideways and upside down and then has to lay on the ground to rest from overworking himself. He shows the signs of swim bladder disease but I'm not sure how he got it and how to help him :(( the...
  28. E

    Is my fish pregnant?

    Hi guys, I’ve got two platy fish and ones recently developed a bump on its belly. I thought maybe it’a pregnant but as a new fish owner, I wasn’t too sure. I called the Pets at Home store I bought them from for help and they informed me that they indeed may be pregnant and I should check...
  29. Stefan3289

    Springtails are driving me crazy

    So I have been at college and come back home every weekend to clean the tank. I let my mom feed the fish and when I went to clean the tank yesterday, I noticed a food pellet on the glass surrounded by bugs. I realized I have probably close to about 100-200 of these in my tank now and have been...
  30. F

    Cancer / Tumor

    Hi, my butterfly telescope has a white tumor on her back fin. It started off small, and some advised to leave it alone unless it was harming her. So I left it alone for about 4 months, but now I am coming to the sad conclusion that it will not stop growing. I am not sure if it is possible or...
  31. K

    Black Kuhli Loaches- Sick or Stressed? Pls help!

    Hello, I have had 7 orange striped kuhli loaches for a little while now and decided to get 2 black ones from PetSmart to accompany them. After putting them in the tank I noticed that they seemed overly energetic, but its been going on all day to the point they seem erratic and I don't know how...
  32. sgropp311

    Community Tank Turning Yellow and Slowly Dying off

    Hey, so I have a growout tank where I kinda just throw most of my livebearer fry and small angels that I get from the store (i'll describe the tank more below). It's always been super healthy, and normally I've got a betta in there too, just because he gets along with the other fish and I raise...
  33. F

    Help with stocking

    So I have had a little tank for around 2 years with 4 fish in and enjoyed it so much , so when we moved I bought a bigger tank 110l and got more fish but I think I may have over done it with the fish thou can u help and see if I have to meany now ?? So here is my list 12 nion tetra 3 danio...
  34. A

    Male betta fish is lethargic, black gills, breathing heavily and unable to swim properly.

    My male betta suddenly was afflicted with illness. I believe it is due to ammonia, I checked it and the levels were high. Despite previously checking it (I do weekly cheeks) and it being fine. I performed a 50% water change and added ammonia detoxifiers. Also, he is being treated with an all...
  35. K

    Help! What is up with my Betta?

    Hi! Purchased my betta the 11th of February and he took a while to acclimate to the new environment and begin eating but he has been fine until recently. He lives in my dorm with me and continues to eat and be active. See attached images to see what I mean about him looking less fine. He appears...
  36. Stefan3289

    Another issue with swim bladder (maybe hope)

    So I noticed I didn’t see my PB parrot convict out, and when I finally found him, he was trying to swim at the bottom of the tank, but was upside down. I took him out and put him into a quarantine tank I had running and I put him in a breeders net to minimize moving. I tried to give him peas...
  37. cait.russ

    Advice for a new fish owner

    Hey everyone! I recently got 2 German blue ram’s and for the first couple days they hid away in the corners of the tank so I got an extra couple live plants and another ornament for more hiding space. One seemed to be very aggressive towards the other for a day or so and now they both seem to...
  38. Stefan3289

    Tumor or cyst?

    So I have been out for a few days from home and gave the responsibility to my older brother to keep with the tank, and I don’t think it turned out well. I noticed one of my severums has what looks like a cyst. Not sure if it was an open sore that got infected.. I am about to do a large water...
  39. S

    Help With Names!

    This is going to one of my more fun posts! I need help with finding names for my soon to be 5 guppys and 1 snail! I'm thinking of group names from TV shows, movies, books, etc. I will post a poll with some of my ideas and please vote for your favorite option! (There will be an option labeled...
  40. Stefan3289

    Help on Tiger barb tank

    So I have a 29 gallon sand substrate tank: Stocking was: 8 cories (a variety) 9 tiger barbs (3 green, 3 albino, 3 regular) I returned one of the green ones since he was terrorizing the other barbs as he was bigger. One of the albinos died and this morning I found one of the regular ones was...