guppy tank

  1. Evergreenwolf53

    By breeding guppies, am I “subjecting generations of animals to rape”?

    I sent an image of my brand new, 50 gallon, planted guppy breeding tank as I was very proud of it. I’ve been wanting one since I had gotten my 20 gallon guppy tank in October or September. 1 male per 2-4 females or so, all healthy. About 20 of them, soon to be a lot more. A few hours later...
  2. PlasticGalaxy

    Planted Guppy Tank (54L)

    02.03.2021 Here goes nothing! This is my first project/undertaking involving fish. The plan is to have a planted tank with black sand as a substrate, dwarf hairgrass, amazon frogbit and possibly java fern for my guppies and corys to go in. For now, I'm still in the stage where I'm debating on a...
  3. B

    Tiny bugs in tank, living on drift wood

    Hi all, there's tiny little bugs living on my drift wood. Anyone know what they are and if they're harmless? I only discovered them because I left a pea in there for my fish and when I checked it the pea was covered in them, they looked black on the pea but they look white on the wood! Now I've...
  4. kittyclown

    My guppy tank

    I took some photos of my guppies today and wanted to share! I only have 4 right now (2m 2f) and I'm raising 3 fry at the moment ^ This is a sandwich! shes shyer than the other fish usually so its hard to get a lot of photos of her. ^ This is my FAVORITE guppy I have, I think she's so...