guppy - pregnant - newbie advice - white poo

  1. N

    Sick pregnant guppy?

    Hi, We’re very new to fish keeping and bought some guppies a few days ago. as one of the guppies seemed like she may be ready to give birth (squarish belly, staying in one spot) and the males kept nipping at her we put her in a breeder box. When we checked on her we saw a piece if white fuzzy...
  2. B

    Yellow cobra guppy laid eggs

    Hi everyone. Recently I started an all Male tropical fish tank. I began by 4 male endlers and then last week added in 2 Male yellow cobra guppies. I didn't understand why all my endlers were chasing one of my new guppies every second of the day as they're all males. But today I noticed one of...
  3. J

    Is my guppy pregnant?

    Hello, I don’t know if someone can help me but I don’t know if my female guppy is pregnant. I got her from the shop yesterday and the store said that the males and females are not mixed in the tanks. She is a bit fat around her belly and her Gracie spot is quite large. Sorry for the image quality.
  4. J

    pls let my guppies be pregnant

    Hi! My partner and I are really struggling to determine which guppies are female and which are male. I know about the gravid spot, male gonopogulum (sorry I don’t know how to spell it), and such but I feel like I’m loosing my mind. I have some guppies I would like to make sure are pregnant and...
  5. N

    Pregnant guppy

    Ok, IM a new fish owner and I bought a pregnant guppy and I was just worried for her so I separated all the males and females . But I still want to know when she’s due. She doesn’t eat as much any more and I tried separate her from the other fish in her own tank and she just stayed toward the...
  6. A

    Is this female pregnant

    Hello I would like to know if this guppy female is pregnant. As it would be my first fry.
  7. E

    Pregnant Guppies - How Long?

    Hello Everyone, I am quite new to fishkeeping, but after cycling my tank , introducing guppies and shrimp, all seems to be going well. I now have 4 males, 8 females and 2 shrimp in my tank. When i brought the first lot of fish (2 males, 4 females), 3 of these females seemed to be pregnant ( I...
  8. J

    Pregnant guppy white poo!worried

    Hi everyone, So just got 6 guppies from a good local marine/fish specialist. 2 male and 4 female. I've only had them about a week but pretty sure 2 of the females are pregnant. Dark gravel spot and getting fatter each day! compared to the other 2 they are much fatter and darker. The 2 I think...