guppy breeding

  1. angryboi

    average rate of giant female guppy

    guppy breeders, how often do you get abnormally large female guppies?
  2. biofish

    How to get more male fry?

    Guyssssssss. My guppy fry are all female still. 31 fry were born two weeks ago and so far I only see about 3 (there’s probably more but it’s hard to count when they never stop moving) that don’t have obvious gravid spots already. My tanks are kept at 78°. My female to male fry ratio is about 4:1...
  3. Evergreenwolf53

    By breeding guppies, am I “subjecting generations of animals to rape”?

    I sent an image of my brand new, 50 gallon, planted guppy breeding tank as I was very proud of it. I’ve been wanting one since I had gotten my 20 gallon guppy tank in October or September. 1 male per 2-4 females or so, all healthy. About 20 of them, soon to be a lot more. A few hours later...
  4. NearMeBettas

    Magenta Red Dragon x Albino Koi

    Female gave birth 3 days ago. Fry are on frozen bbs and 25% water changes a day.
  5. CozyCat

    Bent spine?

    Hello! I have been keeping guppies since May 2021 and my first batch of fry are now juveniles/semi-adults. I remember when they were no bigger than a grain of rice!🤩 Anyway, I have noticed a couple fish have an interesting body shape. They are wonky and not the smooth torpedo shape like the...
  6. biofish

    How to breed a kinda gay fish?

    So I have this male guppy, Menma, and im about 92% sure he’s gay. He flares his fins and goes the little seizure mate dance thing to his fellow guppy men in the male tank. There was one male guppy, Nards, in particular that Menma followed around like a love struck puppy; no aggression no nips or...