guppy birth trouble

  1. I

    pregnancy troubles

    Ok, so I have two pregnant females in my tank one is a red-tailed assorted guppy, and the other is a gambusia/mosquitofish. I first had the mosquito fish in my other tank and she gave birth to only two babys one got eaten and the other I saved, I finally caught her and put her in my other...
  2. K

    Pregnant guppy having trouble with birth?

    I have what appears to be a very pregnant guppy. We had 2 guppies that were pregnant & they were in a 10 gal tank. I also have a 20 gal tank so put all the males & other females in there. The 1 female had about 9 fry so I then moved her over to the 20 gal tank. I have this female in the 10...