growth rate

  1. Guyb93

    The growth on this monster

    This fish has had a prescription of some of steroid within a week it’s easily grown an inch and probably a half ounce in weight .. maybe lol either way it’s thriving , I have 4 of these geophagus all was a similar size but this chap ha found his winter weight , I’m not complaining, but why ? I...
  2. Guyb93

    Convict growing so fast

    I bought a pair of convicts about 2 -3months ago and they were tiny about half an inch I have found they are both Male as I know about there nightmare breeding and I’m shocked at the growth rate of one of these convicts , they were the same size 3 months ago now one is over 3 inches and the...
  3. W

    Malawi Cichlids

    Hello All, I have recently inherited 4 Malawi Cichlids from a friend who could not accommodate them. I have had them for a month now and were originally around 1.5 inches. I’ve seen some growth maybe the largest one not far off 2 inches, but not quite. However I’m currently keeping them within...
  4. BelldandyShanny


    Does anyone know how fast MTS grow? I know they breed like bunnies but how fast to the actual snails grow? I have a breeder trap with guppy fry in it, and I put some mts in it to clean up the leftover food bits, and some babies were born in the trap a few days ago.  They were almost too small...