
  1. B

    Is this normal?

    I’ve had my goldfish for about 6 months now and i’ve just upgraded his tank to a 5 gallon. I have some pictures here. Is this normal for goldfish to slump at the bottom of the tank? is it a size change thing? also is he a comet or a sarasa comet?
  2. B

    Fish tank help

    hello! i’ve owned a fish before, but cant get my hands on spring water/filtered water so i’m using tap water. what’s the best brand for conditioning? i had to but the lil guy in another tank because there was bacteria even though i used a conditioner
  3. J

    Tumor ??

    Hey, everyone, I hope all is well I have this Feeder goldfish that has now grown rather large, I have noticed a large white bump on its dorsal fin, and it has become rather lethargic the last couple of days , so I wanted to know if anyone could help, I've attached some pictures below