glowlight tetra

  1. E

    Glowlight Tetra weird behaviour.

    I have 10 Glowlight tetras in my 160L aquarium. One of them has been acting very odd recently. It is moving very slowly and opening and closing its mouth a lot. It has a slightly enlarged stomach that seems more white. It also has a weird white thing coming from its underside. It moved to the...
  2. S

    Help! What’s wrong with my fish?

    I just checked my tank and have noticed one of my Glowlight Tetra’s swimming rather strangely. Is this Swim a ladder or something else? It’s only the one fish, none of the others seem to be affected. It seems to keep turning to the side or turning upside down, is there anything I can do to help...
  3. Retired Viking

    Tetra Fry out and about.

    My glowlight tetra fry are now out and about. I thought I would share with you some photos of my fry. There are two glowlight fry in my 55 gallon tank and for the past several weeks they have been hiding out together in the floating hornwort.:friends: Lately they would race out at feeding time...
  4. cowgirluntamed

    Not Sure If I Should Be Worried About Flashing/wound?

    First off, here are my parameters.   20 gallon freshwater with biowheel HOB filter that has marineland diamond blend(ammonia neutralizer crystals plus carbon) in a media bag. Temperature is 77 degrees(might drop down a degree at night when I have the heater in the room off(aquarium heater is...