
  1. U

    Another one bites the dust :(

    Hi all, I’m new here and am hoping some might be able to help. Over the past month we have lost 3 guppies, and all 6 tetras - the last one tonight :( The other fish seem healthy, and happy but I’m concerned it’s only a matter of time and I don’t know where we went wrong. here is our set up...
  2. L

    Glowlight neon tetra - swimming jerky & lump on stomach

    Hi, my glowlight Tetra was lurking around at the bottom of the tank hiding, shaking a bit but seemed like it was just eating food off the bottom of the tank. A while later it was doing the same thing so I thought it can't be still eating, it was almost like it was vibrating/jerking (with its...
  3. M

    Glowlight Tetra Breeding

    Hi I have 7 Glowlights in one tank and there is one Glowlight who seems to be pregnant and I am led to believe this as the fish has a larger stomach then the others and looks like all the others pictures of pregnant Glowlights on Google images. So I have noticed the fishes appearance like this...