gill flukes

  1. J

    Help! My New Fish Are Struggling ---Flukes?—What Should I Do?

    Hey everyone, I could really use some advice regarding some serious issues with my recent fish order and tank losses. Here’s the full story: Two days ago, I received a group of fish, including: Dwarf Neon Rainbowfish x2 Emperor Tetra x12 (+2 extra, so 14 total) Rummynose Tetra x9 (+1 extra...
  2. H

    New Platies with Red Gills

    Hi everyone, I'm new here and could use some advice about my platies. I ordered them a week ago, and they arrived three days ago and they were in shipping for four days. Since they arrived, they've had red gills, and they haven't changed in appearance since then. Other than that, they seem...
  3. S

    Flukes - Treatment not working! Pls Help

    Hi Everyone, This is my first post on the forum and hopefully my last cry for help! I have an established live bearer tank 125L, that has been running absolutely fine until I purchased a couple of swordtails from my local pet shop, I am limited with space so don't have room for a quarantine...
  4. S

    Possible gill flukes and white spot? :/

    Hi everyone, I'm looking for some advice please because I'm feeling a little out of my depth. I had a 58 litre tank with a couple of Sterbai Cory and a few guppies which exploded on the guppy population. I upgraded them to a 125 litre around the start of December last year and cycled the tank...