gill fluke

  1. Luna Aware Wolf

    Fish TB?? Fluke?? Any help or advice would be so appreciated 🙏🏻🙏🏻

    Hello, Thank you ever so much for taking a look at this thread and my fish! I appreciate it ever so much. I have a 120l Lido Juwel tank, with 15 Diamond Tetra (that have been happily breeding for the last two years), a 17 year old Bristlenose Pleco, 5 Amano shrimp and 2 Ottos. I absolutely...
  2. S

    (Freshwater) algae eater gill flukes?

    Hello, TLDR: does my fish have gill flukes or did he just hurt himself? Should I treat for flukes regardless just in case? I need help identifying whether my new algae eater has gill flukes or if they sustained damage somehow? It was fine and looking/behaving normally this morning. Just now I...
  3. O

    Possible gill flukes?

    Hi, was just wondering if anyone had some advice for me about my beta, i noticed he stoped eating today and after a closer look i noticed an inflamed gill along with a white spot on the underside interior of the gill. I talked to a local pet store and they recommend mardel maracyn which i have...
  4. S

    What is wrong with my boy?

    I have a male half moon plakat elephant ear called shadow and he had dropsy about 2 to 3 weeks ago and has fully recovered and last night I noticed his scales are either missing or changing colour and I do not know what is happening with him. He is behaving as usual and still eating. When he had...
  5. Tonysamms

    Gill Fluke? Sterazin? Parasites? Help Please ! !

    Hi Everyone, I am new to the forum and I need your help please. I have a problem with my male angel fish. I have also just lost my male lace gourami. My tank is a Juwel 180lt bow front with gravel, bog wood and lots of plants. Temperature of 77 degrees, external filter (1400 lph) and aeration...