gill disease

  1. S

    Three striped damsel fish gills infection

    Strange looking spotting appeared on his side. Please help me understand what it could be
  2. Brianna Leland

    Parrot Cichlid Gill Inflammation/white

    My parrot cichlid (Jellybean) is in a 54 gallon community tank. Ive had him for a year. He has developed a gill issue. Ive tried treating it with api general cure. He seemed to look a bit healthier but now has become shy and appears as if breathing is labored. He wants to eat all his food but...
  3. P

    Blood Parrot Gill Disease Help!

    Hi, I'm new to this forum and I'm desperate to find a cure for my Blood Parrot Cichlids.   I've been taking care of my Blood Parrots for almost two years now (in a 30 gallon tank), and two days ago, two of them has passed away. (The smaller ones). Before they died, I noticed they were lethargic...