
  1. AquaPit

    Behaviour Of Galaxy Rasboras

    Hi Everyone! I would like to know how these beautiful species behave.. How they do in a community tank? Are they fin nippers? Do they eat shrimps?? Fyi, I would love for them to mix with Cherry Shrimps! If... it is possible! :p Any of your experience with them would be greatly appreciated! Tks!
  2. D34DLY

    West Midlands - Selling X6 Celestial Pearl Danios

    Hi my fellow friends :)   Livestock: Celestial Pearl Danios (Galaxy Rasboras) Quantity for sale: 6 Reason for Sale: Upgrade to a 222 litre tank. Delivery or Collection: Collection Available. (Enquire For Postage) Sales price: £3.00 Per Fish Postage & Packaging: FREE Collection /...