
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. M

    Molly sickness

    Hi everyone all help is appreciated! We have had our tank set up and running for nearly a year, we have mollies platies and a couple of plecs, Recently we got a couple more mollies and brought with them some sickness, We've now had about 7 die in just over a week From looking at forums the...
  2. P

    Does anybody know what this is? Ich? Lymphocystis? Fungal Growth?

    Hi there, One of my platies has been showing signs of reduced energy in the last few days and spends a lot of its time sitting at the bottom of the tank motionless. The fins are also clamped. I then noticed a small white spot that had formed on one side of its body (convex) near the gill area...
  3. Cassiee303

    Sick betta...I think! Please advise

    Hello, I am new to the aquatic world of fish, and I have recently purchased a very sick betta that I am trying my best to help. When i first purchased him(nearly two months ago), he was In poor health and bad living conditions. He had no color in his body or fins from what I’m assuming was...
  4. F

    Strange Fungal or Bacterial Disease?

    Hi all, I’ve come here because I’m having problems with my 1 year old female betta. Over the past month or so, she’s developed a white sort of fuzz or flaky looking fungus primarily on her head. When we first noticed it, we treated her with primafix, and it went away. About a week later, it...
  5. pjwilford


    I’m finding this fish has a mysterious white spot. seems like some sort of fungus. a black molly of mine has it all over as well. Will pimafix cure this? What is it?? I have a guppy currently giving birth right now too. will meds be safe for babies?
  6. M

    Please help Identify.

    Hello everyone, So, I've got a fairly new set up going in a 20 G long, planted tank with out door natural wood and land scape as some of the scape for my tank. This (in the photo) is growing on a piece of wood submerged in the tank. Its been there for about a week but over night got a lot...
  7. Dcollins

    Possibly fungus

    Hey everybody, I was hoping to get a few second oppinions on my synodontis eurpterus. My first guess was fungus but it doesn't look fluffy or soft. It kinds does in the pictures but in person it looks like a calus or something. It usually is in it's cave all the time but for some reason today...
  8. C

    Guppy with white fungus

    Hi everybody, I have 5 guppies in a 40 litre heavily planted tank. Sherlock the guppy has a fine layer of white fungus (not sure if it is fungus, its just a guess) around its face (mainly the eyes and mouth). It is white/clear and fluffy looking. I really need help with this just in case it is...
  9. E

    URGENT! Bacterial + fungal treatment options

    Meet Barrance, I have had him for 2 years and he has always been super healthy, active and exploding with personality. He has never been ill before. I noticed this spot on his back behind his top fin and tail fin. After tons of research, I was convinced it was colomnaris...I just started...
  10. kitta98

    Sick aquarium lots of death

    I have had my tank for about 5 months now. It was my first tank and it took some tries to get it right with temperatures and cycling but in the end my tank is now presumably perfect. I do have a problem with quarantine in that I didn’t quarantine any of my fish. I think my tank now has some sort...
  11. L

    White Streaks In Tail! Any Advice Please

    Hi - my Beta has white streaks in his tail - can anyone tell me what this is? Also recently green spidery algae has been growing in the tank - could this be anything to do with it? He seems healthy and happy other than this. (I don't know why but the photo of him keep loading upside down...
  12. K

    Sick Betta: Lymphocystis?

    Hi All,   I'm a new forum member looking for some help with my sick fishy. I have a charming little 2y/o blue betta boy, 'Wee Mad Arthur', who I stupidly left in the care of someone else while I went away for 3 months. I did leave the caretaker a 3 page document on how to clean the tank and feed...
  13. Voxcharm

    Ich? Bacterial? Help!

    Hey guys Re post from general topics but really need help. Bit of a newbie and not having a good week with my cories after mysteriously loosing one of them. But noticed on one of the albinos a single white spot on the tail. No spots on any other fish or anywhere else on this fish. Sorry the...
  14. VickyChaiTea

    What Is This Deadly Infection?

    Alright, so, I have been seeing this infection around for a few years... and only in bettas. I first noticed it at work on a few bettas after their bowls had gone uncleaned for too long. It looked like grey patches (not raised patches, like the scales and skin had turned grey) on their fins and...