fry growth rate

  1. R

    Guppy Fry

    Hello! Can someone give me some tips at caring for 160+ guppy fry. My aunt wanted to throw her sons guppies (I separated them by gender the first time I got them) so I decided to adopt them since my brother has been wanting some for a while now, and noticed that 3 of them was pregnant, the...
  2. N

    Corydora fry food

    Hi guys.. I'm new here. I saw lot of threads with good suggestions for Corydora fry raising. I live in Bahrain and I could not find any fry food in any LFS here. If anybody can help me find fry food please do. Or can you guys help me with what do I do to not let my feet starve n die?? My...
  3. RCA

    Slow Growth Rate ~ Peacock Gudgeon Fry

    I am finding despite feeding well, my fry seem to be growing at a very slow rate. I have read this is the case, yet cannot find any hard facts out there. Thus I am looking for others with experience of breeding these fish to please advise. How long does it take them to grow? You can see them...