
  1. A

    I need to identify this snail.. help!

    I have a small 30ltr tank for fry. It contains multiple fry of many species, three oto bottom feeders and two snails to be able to maintain itself efficiently. Recently I’ve added two new plants. Anyway, there are a lot of small snail appearing and I mean.. a lot. There are eggs everywhere which...
  2. brokenoob!

    Not sure if my new molly fry are eating?

    Hi there! I'm very new to aquarium life and even more of a noob to caring for fry after my white Molly unexpectedly gave birth to 13 fry yesterday!! :eek: I immediately separated the fry from the mother into a new tank, but made sure to transfer a lot of the water from the original tank to...
  3. S

    When will my guppy drop her second batch of fry?

    Hello everyone!! My pregnant guppy had a batch of fry of only 9 for her first brood. I was wondering if that was normal or did she maybe eat some? She gave birth overnight, so I wasn’t able to know until next morning when I woke up. I have a ton of hiding places for the babies and do know...