freshwater aquarium

February FOTM Photo Contest Starts Now! Fish of the Month
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  1. C

    Cottonmouth on my rainbow fish?

    I recently out in 3 rainbow fish and then three more a week later. After a few days I noticed their lips were white so I’m wondering if this is cottonmouth and I need to medicate the tank? No other fish seem to have it, and I’m wondering if I have mostly males and they’re just fighting...
  2. ebishop97

    Freshwater 30gal Introduction

    Good morning, everyone and thank you for welcoming me to your forum. As a new member, I will start with an introduction. Today I join looking for advice to improve my freshwater planted tank. Being an experienced novice to the planted aquarium scene I will appreciate your professional...
  3. I

    Java Fern stems broke and leaves discoloring, should I trim and propagate or leave to heal itself?

  4. moonmist

    Help ID algae? Bacteria?

    Hi everyone. My tank has been cycling for a little over 2 weeks now (only plants) and I’ve been noticing some VERY tiny brownish almost red dots everywhere like on the glass and especially on my Monte Carlo plants, it’s extremely light and you can’t really see it unless you’ve got your face...
  5. Frittercrittern

    Cycling 10g Betta Tank - Advice welcome!

    Hello! I am cycling my first tank in forever, and I have a lot of questions and ideas for how it's going to go. Here's the current build: - black diamond sand - plastic rock cave hide - rounded gravel rocks in the middle of the tank - a larger zebra striped rock - a medium fake green plant...
  6. K

    PLEASE HELP! Gigantic Molly Unexplainable - Photos and stats included

    Hey y’all! I consider myself pretty knowledgeable when it comes to tank things and what I lack knowledge on, Google to the rescue. But this one has me all sorts of confused. I “adopted” this Molly 3 months ago. My local fish store has a “Kae Tank” that he puts fish in that he can’t sell for...
  7. G

    Selling Freshwater Rocks, Plants, and Essentials

    Rocks with bacteria - $7 each Various Plants ($ depends on the plant) - SOLD Driftwood - $15 Heater - $20 Pinguin 350 Filter - $45 Filter Media - $4 each Air Stone - $6 - SOLD Air Pump - $17
  8. Yuhui

    Cleaning ick

    Hello, so I’m currently treating ich with salt and Turning up the heat for my goldfishes. Nothing major and most of the ich is already clearly up. I’m still kinda new to the fish hobby and stuff and I’m not sure how to probably clean the filters after the whole ick treatment things clears up. Is...
  9. N

    Rummy got his tail bitten off

    Hello fishy friends, I think one of my Blackskirts just ate one of my new Rummy Nose Testra’s tail. I didn’t actually witness it but the Blackskirt looks kind of guilty tbh. Mr Rummy is wiggling about a lot as it’s pretty hard for him to get around now without a tail. His friends are trying to...
  10. carligraceee

    Update 2022

    I could not access this forum for months for some weird reason! But I am back! I wanted to give an update on my tank! Current Stocking: - 1 African Butterfly Fish - 11 Black Phantom Tetras - 7 Kuhli Loaches - 1 Clown Loach - I will be keeping him till he gets too big for my 40g...
  11. C

    New Tank Parameters, please advise

    Hey all! New to the forum. I have a 75 gal tank running with an Fx6 filter and heated to 74 degrees. Tank is decorated with little pebble stones and a huge piece of driftwood. That’s all for now. Tank was cycled for at least two weeks and fish were introduced. It’s been running for about a month...
  12. Tippersloth

    Lid broken

    Hey guys, just wondering if anyone has had this problem before and what they did to fix it, I can’t seem to remove the remaining ‘set’ at all as it’s built into the tank. One of my flatmates suggested magnetic strips, Would that be okay with getting wet sometimes and safe for the fish? Lid...
  13. B

    Betta fish fin issues

    Hey! I’ve noticed recently my twin tail betta fish has been having issues with his fins. They look awful. I’m trying everything I can to help. I recently did a complete water change and added new live plants. The test strips say everything is where it should be. It’s been probably a week since I...
  14. F

    Sword plant nutrient deficiency?

    Hello, I’ve set up a new 80l tank, and I wanted a second opinion on my problem. Tank has been going for about 1 month. I added the plants about 3 weeks ago, and I am aware plants need to adjust to new water parameters. However, it seems my sword plant is doing worse than all the other plants...
  15. Lilputian

    Two male black Mollies in a 5 gallon, I really want to liven the tank up

    Hello! I’m super new to fish keeping and did the bad newcomer thing and bought a tank that fit my space and then put whatever fish was pretty into it. The three guppies got too stressed out and died, so now I have the two male black mollies left (happy I think). I’ve read that they should be in...
  16. carligraceee


    My molly fish has a small amount of white fuzzy stuff under his eyes. I moved him into a hospital tank and was going to go to the pet store to grab some anti-fungal treatment. Is that what this is? The camera won't pick up anything. But this is similar to what it is... Not as swollen and...
  17. S

    Stocking a tank.

    Hello,I have a cycled 25 gallon(95 lt) planted aquarium with one gold gourami(juvenile and really peacefull),5 panda corys,1 golden bristlenose,9 neon tetras,11 guppies and some ramshorn snails.Also,I have a corse sponge filter.What do you think,is it too much?Will some of the fishes be a...
  18. H

    Betta sick?

    I noticed this morning that my mustard blue betta has something white or scales rubbed off on the left side by his back fin (2nd picture)? Also, now I may be paranoid but do his eyes look puffy and gold on his belly? I’ve had him for over a year and had no problems. He’s really a great fish...
  19. N

    Small bug on frogbit

    I got frogbit plants from a local fish keeper. 1 week After putting them in my tank, I noticed small tick like bugs on top of the frogbits. They have spread to every frogbit and Lilly pad I have in the aquarium! I asked the person who gave it to me and he said he grows those frogbits in a...
  20. S

    New Tank

    Hello Everyone! I was wondering if someone could push me in the right direction. I currently setup a new display tank and paired it with an established Refugium form my previous tank. It’s had been running for 2 days, I tested levels and I have Ph is 7.8, Ammonia is 0ppm Nitrite is 0 ppm and...
  21. B

    Best species for a new 38 gal freshwater tank?

    Hello! I am new to the forum and hoping to get advice on a few good species to stock a freshwater 38 gallon tank. The tank is 36 inches long and 12 inches wide, 20 inches in height. I am in the process of setting up the tank, it's completely empty right now so I can build the substrate/decor...
  22. joliee

    Am I Overstocking?

    Hi I'm kind of new to this so bear with me haha. So I was thinking of getting a 10 gallon tank and putting 5 scissortail rasboras (I heard they were schooling fish and that I needed to get at least 5), 2 cory catfish (again, I heard they liked to be with each other), 1 dwarf gourami, and 1...
  23. B

    My octocinclus catfish

    This is an image of one of my octocinclus catfish that I have in my 145 liter blackwater biotope setup and currently I have 3 of these cuties along with my 4 corydoras duplicareus catfish. This one is eating what I assume is infusoria or plant matter on the leaves of one of my sword plants. I...