fresh start

  1. CozyCat

    A huge improvement...

    For months this tank that sits on my desk set up in September last year, has been cloudy. I could not work out why it was going cloudy even after water changes and clarifying treatments. The image below shows how bad the cloudiness got, there is a large piece of wood in the middle left...
  2. D

    Gradually Losing Female Guppy's

    Tank size: 34L Link pH: 7.5 ammonia: 1 ppm (4 ppm two days ago) nitrite: 1 ppm (0 two days ago) nitrate: 5 ppm (30 this morning) (0 two days ago) kH: N/A - I don't have a test for these. gH: N/A tank temp: 22 'c (I have it colder than usual for the weather loaches)   I am testing twice daily at...