So a friend close to me bought some tanks that came with fish, which he didn't want. I said I would take them off his hands. Ot was a mixed lot of neon tetra and supposedly guppies, but two of these female are absolutely huge. I suspect they are actually a crossbreed, and therefore infertile...
Hi everyone,
Need some help ASAP if at all possible!
Sadly, my Mum passed away earlier this year. She left behind a decent sized tank with a few tetras and other tropical fish. I haven’t lived at home with her for a while but my brother still lived with her, however, he has no intention of...
Hi all,
I live in central/north London and have a planted 180L tank with various freshwater fish, all bought around 6-12 month ago. Due to moving country, I will not be able to take the fish or plants with me unfortunately, so I'm looking for a new home for them.
Ideally, you would be...
Hey guys,
I am about to move a very long way and the best thing to do seems to be to re-home the small number of resident from my planted nano. Rather than put them through that (if I even could across borders).
There are 4x Black neons and 2x Amano shrimp.
Little bit out of the way up here...
Here we have my beautiful Swordtail tropical fish had him around 6 months, hand picked due to his very unique colours, has a red line accross his torso and multi-coloured body, a very nice looking fish.
Was doing great in my peaceful community tank until I added a Dwarf Gourami - now he picks...
Hi everyone,
It breaks my heart to write this, but all of my angelfish that I have been nurturing as a hobby for around 6 years must go as I am moving house. In total I have 3 breeding pairs, two of which still have their children with them, and quite a few single adults. They are all in...