
  1. Hannah14

    Fluval flex fish tank issue

    Hi, can anyone please help!! We have a fluval flex fishtank and the water from the chamber with the pump in it is emptying when the pump is on and filling the tank up. The water In the pump chamber then gets so low it starts making sucking noises. When the pump is off the chamber fills up again...
  2. SRbettas

    Pygmy cory in fluval flex

    Hi I'm trying to decide the stocking for my fluval flex 15 gallon/57 litre So far I have decided on: 1 female betta 4 endlers And pygmy Cory's Some say they need school of 6 others say 4 is fine. I want them to be happy but also keep stocking levels relatively low. Also what do you recommend...
  3. D

    Betta sorority

    Morning Folks! Over the past few weeks, I’ve been flirting with the idea of turning my fluval flex 15 tank into a betta sorority. Currently I only have one betta smaragdina female in the planted black water tank. Here are my concerns, I’m not entirely sure what stocking rate would be suitable...
  4. F

    Cory lathargic, need advice

    Hi So I have a peppered cory who is 18 months old and a gold lazer cory. Now, I've experienced deaths of fish over time, but my cory's became lathargic and kept swimming to the top, totally unlike them. The gold lazer cory began corkscrewing till it wouldn't move from its side. It died this...
  5. D

    My Cycle Journal - Dr Tim's - Fluval Flex 57L

    I couldn’t find many threads/reviews about of Dr Tim’s freshwater cycling products when I was researching what method to use for my tank. I knew I wanted to use Dr Tim’s as I liked the idea of the One & Only Nitrifying Bacteria used in conjunction with the Ammonium Chloride instead of having to...
  6. D

    Yet again another stock question

    Hi guys Was wondering if someone could give their opinion on the following stocking level. I have bought a Fluval Edge 57L (15G) but it's not set up yet. The cycling process is starting this weekend. I manged to find some Dr Tims One & Only Freshwater plus the Ammonium Chloride which I plan...