fluval roma 200

  1. W

    Should I get get panda garra’s?

    Hello fellow aquarists, I have a question. In my i tank I have the U4 fluval filter and a heater (plus thermometer)(photos attached) with plants, wood and rock in it and 1 zebra nerite snail, 3 amano shrimp, 2 bamboo shrimp, 4 bronze corydoras, 8 harlequin rasboras, 1 metallic Amazon blue...
  2. james_fish

    Faulty Lighting Unit - Help Required

    Hi all,   I seem to be having trouble with the lights on my Fluval Roma 200 tank. One side of the unit won't at all (or very rarely) start the bulb up. I've tried the bulb in the other side (which is fine) and it starts it up no problem.    Is the starter gone? If so how easy is it to replace...