Just moved down to Soflo, and wanting to setup a nice tank. Before I put anything at all there, I am weary of any of the tanks at stores here - I had a chit chat w/ a store manager who was also the fish department expert and was cleaning the tanks when I was there, and he confessed that his...
Livestock: Female bristlenose pleco
Age and condition: approx. 1 year old, no record of any illness, approx. 1-2 inches in length
Quantity for sale: 1
Reason for Sale: I was hoping she would be male when I got her about a year ago, but unfortunately she's a female.
Delivery or Collection...
Hello to Everyone -
I just got back into keeping a freshwater aquarium. I wanted my boys to see some of the fish that were living in a small pond on the property that we just moved to. I identified the mosquito fish without issue but there are another type that look like some kind of cichlid...
So this is my first time trying out a freshwater tank on my own. My dad had one when I was younger but I have not had one of my own ever. I had to start small since it is in my apartment so I went with a 5 gallon (don't mock the decor, had to work with what we had ). I filled up my tank last...