floating plants

  1. carligraceee

    Plants for Kevin: Recs?

    Hey guys- I was wondering if anyone has any floating plant recommendations for Kevin, my Pink orchid betta? He deserves a little fortress and I think he needs something to jazz up his 6g tank. He has 5 little mushroom houses and a bridge on top of white rock substrate- he also has three VERY...
  2. Jan Cavalieri

    How to keep floating plants at bay

    I use a fair amount of floating plants because the fish enjoy hiding and napping in them and if I were to have any babies the new fry would have a place to hide. I've used java moss, frogbit and a number of other plants that don't mind floating and all they do is get sucked into the filter...
  3. Woody781

    Slowing down the filter

    I have a 380 Aqua One tank which is 34L. I was trying to have some floating plants in this tank but the waterfall filter is annoying for this! Any ideas how to redirect the flow or slow it down?? The plants just get pushed down to the bottom. I'm trying to block the light a little.
  4. MrsEspoNYC7

    Floating Plants

    Hi I'm having a few problems with my tank, and I'm hoping for some advice....this isn't going to seem like a plant question but just bear with my rambling and read it to the end. Lol thanks I have a 29 gallon cube tank with a few black skirt tetras, one blue dwarf gourami, two pairs of guppies...