
  1. L

    Fishless Cycle on my first tank.

    I have just set up my first aquarium. Well i say first, i have a 10l that i had a couple zebra danios in for a month or so, i then found out about fishless cycling and returned them to my lfs. So for a few weeks the tank has been empty bar some snails that came in on plants. For the few weeks...
  2. thrujenseyes

    I Finally Bit The Bullet And Added The Ammonia, Cycling Started...

    So my little fluval edge 6 gallon had been up and running for 8 days (3 live plants, driftwood and a stow away assassin snail...and some other random snail that popped up) when I started the cycling.   I had to wait for my heater and the purchase of my api master test kit.   I added .72 ml...