
  1. N

    How many fish is too much?

    Hi I have 120l tank plenty of hiding places live planted, lava rock and drift wood. I’m just wondering how many fish roughly I can have. I do already have a few I just wanted to check if I should stay as I am, could add a few more or need to upgrade to a bigger tank. My community current...
  2. Freshyfishy

    What I feed, is it the best?

    Hello, I was wondering if my feeding schedule for my fish is the best one. I currently have a 85 gallon aquarium that houses (soon to be more) : - 10 Glofish tetras - 1 swordtail - 1 lyertail - 2 platies - 16 guppies - 1 cory (I know already, and i'm working on getting the $$) - 6 neon tetras...
  3. D

    Angel fish eggs

    Hello guys ive noticed my angel fish have been more territorial than normal and have been scaring off my corydoras in the tank. I looked at the tank and noticed there were eggs on one of the live plants that werent there yesterday. Idk how I should go about this? There are atleast 30 eggs;some...