fish suggestions

  1. Stefan3289

    ground cleaner stocking ideas

    Hello all, So I currently have a 29 gallon with gravel substrate. I also have a group of 7 mollies with half being juvenile (inch or less) and half being about 1.5-2 inches. I currently have the tank salinity around 1.003/.005 as I’ve been told mollies need a little bit of salt especially when...
  2. Circus

    Breeding Projects for 29 Gallons

    So, some background. I am going to stop my efforts to breed Orange Chromides in a couple of months (unless I show success soon), as I have been at that for almost a year with 0 fish to show for it. It has been exhausting. I will be moving my current pair and their buddy to the 80 gallon tank...
  3. P

    33 gallon long stocking suggestions?

    Ok so my tank has been fully cycled for about a week and I'm ready to add fish but can't decide what I want. I need some good algae eater suggestions as well - algae is trying to take over while plants begin to take hold. All fish need to be plant and shrimp-compatible. Thinking of doing a...
  4. E

    New 125 Gal Tank. 8.2 Ph From Faucet. What Fish Should I Get?

    So we just got a new 125 Gal Tank. We've had tanks for years and years but never one this large. The possibilities are endless! The water directly from faucet reads 7.4pH, but after sitting for 24 hours it levels off at 8.2 pH. Because the tank is so large, we want to get fish (or creatures)...