fish stocking

  1. carligraceee

    So many Pleco choices! Suggestions?

    Hello everyone! I am on the last stretch of cycling and am starting to look for stocking. I already found my schooling fish.. now I would like to know everyone's opinions on plecos! What pleco is best for cleaning up biofilm and even fish poop (if possible, I know its rare for fish to actually...
  2. Ellie Potts

    Stocking advice needed!!!

    Hello everyone! I have a 55 gallon aquarium that currently has 2 siamese algae eaters, and 1 male dwarf gourami. As soon as they're out of quarantine I will be adding my shoal of 6 harlequin rasboras and hopefully a bamboo shrimp. I would also like to add a female dwarf gourami and a pair of...
  3. Meg0000

    Ember tetras in my 10 gallon! Can I add pygmy corys?

    Hi, my LFS has galaxy rasboras, brigittae rasboras and ember tetra right now, these are the 3 fish options I gave my parents for the aquarium we will have in the living room buf it's in my bedroom at the moment (I also have crystal red shrimp in it). They would like to know if we could mix two...