fish not eating

  1. Sofi

    Help! Female macrostoma not eating

    Hi everyone I recently bought a pair of juveniles macrostoma, thefemale was eating well, we were feedings her live crickets and live blackworms, she was eating well, on the 3rd day, the male behaviour turned aggressive during feedings, she stopped eating and on the 5th day she was looking...
  2. G

    Honey Gourami Not Eating!

    Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate <10 pH 7.3 gH 200 ppm Chlorine 0 29gal, moderately planted, gravel bottom with 15 cardinal tetras, multiple cherry shrimp, a clown pleco and three honey gourami (2 red). I do a 25% water change every week, water temp is 76F. A week ago I got two red honey gourami...
  3. Dephea

    Bala shark not eating / only eating daphnia

    I recently moved homes and not long after replaced my gravel with sand (mainly because vacuuming a 150L tank with gravel was a pain in the butt). 4 days ago I noticed that 1 of my bala sharks stopped eating. He got skinny and just chilled by the filter a lot. I ain't no pro but I decided to...
  4. rianna21

    My platy is sad :(

    Hi everyone, sorry if this isnt the right place to post, I’m looking for some advice. My variatus platy has been avoiding food for 3 weeks now, and prefers to stay at the top of the tank, near the bottom or swimming up and down the sides. When I say avoiding, I mean it literally swims in the...
  5. E

    One Of My Male Dwarf Gouramis Is Not Eating, Looks Sick

    I have 3 male dwarf gouramis in a 29 gallon tank planted tank. One of them is not eating and is not very active like usual. He just sits on the bottom of the tank in the corner or in places he never usually goes. He looks ill to me. When I go to feed all the fish, the other two eat, but he does...