fish ill

  1. Allaboutcichlids

    Help! My fish is ill, any ideas on how to treat it?

    Hi everyone, As you can see from the images my cichlid is very ill. It has been like this for a couple of months now, slowly getting worse and worse over time. As you can see, there are lumps (which are very hard to touch!) all along the fins of the fish and its mouth has swollen which has...
  2. G

    What's Wrong With My Dalmation Molly?

    Hi,   I was wondering if someone can help.   I would like to know what is wrong with one of my dalmation mollys. It's tail is faced down and it seems to be struggling a little to swim against the flow like it normally does. It has no other symptoms.   My tank is 25 imperial gallons. The tank...