fish help

  1. M

    My swordtail is playing dead but he moves every couple minutes

    I do water changes weakly I feed them a mixture of tropical vitality and color flakes with freeze dried bloodworms which a rehydrate before feeding
  2. N

    Sick gourami with lump

    I noticed my dwarf gourami had grown this growth on the side of him and it almost looks as if the growth has a type of mold on it. I’ve had him for over a year and never had any issues. I checked the water and it’s perfect. I feel bad because he’s always breathing heavy. I was wondering if...
  3. T

    My filter broke, help!

    Hello everyone I'm new to this website and also new to the fish keeping hobby. I have two freshwater tanks 10 and 20 gallon. The 2p gallon is the problem child. I have 1 fancy goldfish and everything was well with a fully cycled tank until the filter broke. It's been a week and the ammonia has...
  4. ajr0053

    Help with friend’s betta

    Hi all, I’ve got a question about a friend’s betta fish. He’s about 4 years old now in a 5 gallon planted tank. A few weeks back he developed a tumor on his side, and now his owner has noticed he has what seems like a possible fungal infection? His head has some weird texturing on it, which I...
  5. W

    I'm scared my fish is going to die.

    Hi, I have a male betta named Morty (almost a year and a half old) who has had a growth on one side of him for some time now. I originally didn't think much of it (or maybe just hoped it was fine?) but it has grown rapidly over time and now he seems to lay down very often. He used to come and...
  6. D

    Fin Nipping or Fin Rot on my guppy

    Hello, i am looking for some advice. I have noticed my male guppy has a few marks on his tail. Like a silvery whitish patch here and there. Is this fin rot, fin nipping or something else? Currently i have only 4 male guppies together in the tank. I don't want to dose him if not necessary with...
  7. Jagster

    Newly set up 15 gallon freshwater tank

    Hey guys I am new to the hobby and bought a tank after months of research. My newly set up 15 gallon freshwater planted overhead filter tank has been cycling for 3 weeks now. I have made a list of the fish would like to keep and need your opinion on it. 6× zebra danio 6× neon tetra 2× oto 1×...
  8. O

    First Fish Tank, Very Excited!

    Evening everyone!   This is my first time posting on here, and my very first fish tank too! My mother-in-law has purchased a 30L Love Fish Prism tank that I've set up for her today, we plan to leave it about a month before putting any fish in, though might add a shrimp or two after 2 weeks if...
  9. FurFinFeathers

    Sick Guppy?

    This morning I woke up and went to feed my 20 gal high tropical aquarium when I noticed my male fancy guppy, who had been completely fine yesterday, wad laying at the bottom of the tank. I see nothing visibly new with him. He seems completely, one hundred percent healthy except for the fact that...
  10. FurFinFeathers

    Grieving Cory?

    My peppered corydora recently lost his best buddy  It seems like he's grieving, they were very very close. He won't eat much and generally stays to one corner, but he seems very healthy. I plan to get another cory to keep him company, but is there anything else I can do to make him feel better?
  11. C

    Need Help With My Fish Please!

    Hi, please help! I woke up this morning and found my fish like this!     Usually some times it goes crazy and starts hitting the fish tank, like smashing into it so hard that water goes everywhere, I found this unusual mark on its head, could that be why its acting the way it is? What do I do...