fish death algae endler

  1. L

    My Cory died after only 2 days and now I am worried that something is wrong with my tank!

    Hi! I have bought a cory and died no long after max 1/2 days. I never had issues with putting fishes in my tank since I had it (6 months). I am worried my tank might have some toxic algae because it has a electric Blu green algae that's never been there before! So I am worried for my other...
  2. woody0687

    1 Fish Dead And I Think Theres Another Just Cant Find It!

    Hi,   Last week i bought 6 endlers and introduced them into my 46 Litre fluval edge. The tank has been running for 6 weeks and despite initial problems with high ammonia they are all fully resolved and all test readings seem absolutley fine. I do water changes using AQUAPLus and gravel clean on...