fish death

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  1. L

    HELP water change killed all my fish!!

    Hi all I refer back to this post I made a couple of days ago for background: I did about a 65/70% water change a few hours using remineralised RO water, I just went back to feed the tank and my fish...
  2. newaquaentusiast

    Think I'm doing everything right - but 4 fish died in 2 weeks :( HELP please

    Hey all, Brand new to the fish hobby:) and loving it so far (exept from the dying part...) Can't seem to understand why my fish are dying and would very much appreciate any help! Background: Two month old - 65 Liters / 17 gallons open top Aqua El fish tank with live plants cycled for a...
  3. L

    Whats your normal procedure when you have a fish death?

    As title suggests, I've had a death in my community tank. I found one of my pygmy corys on the substrate just now. It was in an open area, it definitely wasn't there yesterday when I was feeding so I know it's less than 24 hours but not sure exactly how long it was there. I've barely looked at...
  4. V

    He didn't make it...

    I suspect my betta had pretty bad fin rot, since part of his fin was falling off. I gave him medication (don't remember what it was called) There was specific instructions to leave the filter flowing. During the treatment, the initial damaged fin came off and another part of his fin came off...
  5. bettafishlover86

    R.I.P Heatwave the Betta

    I was cleaning up around my fishtank a few minutes ago and I saw this black thing on the floor. I picked it up and realized it was a betta fish. I was confused, thinking my betta was still in his 29 gallon tank. I looked at the tank and noticed he was missing, and then I had the heartbreaking...
  6. L

    My Cory died after only 2 days and now I am worried that something is wrong with my tank!

    Hi! I have bought a cory and died no long after max 1/2 days. I never had issues with putting fishes in my tank since I had it (6 months). I am worried my tank might have some toxic algae because it has a electric Blu green algae that's never been there before! So I am worried for my other...
  7. T

    Haven't begun very well.

    *Fish death* I got my first tank last week, and from the pet shop's advice I got fish on Saturday - just 4 glowlight tetras. It's a planted tank and things went well over the weekend, they seemed inquisitive, ate, played around in the plants and decorations I got. They seemed fine this morning...
  8. carligraceee

    My momma platy died giving birth..

    Hello guys! Recently, one of my momma platy has been consistently pregnant. She gave birth to two babies and I have been raising them for several weeks. Yesterday evening, she started showing signs of bloating/swim bladder malfunction. Because of this, I put her in a small bowl full of the tank...
  9. K

    Guppies keep dying

    Hi! I woke up this morning and saw I've lost my favourite guppy today. I've had my 130L tank for about a year now, do about 20% water change every week, 24C temperature, it's fully cycled, has plants and the ammonia, nitrates and nitrites are all at good levels. I had 12 guppies going into this...
  10. primsloaches16

    My Worst Nightmare- How do I recover this?

    Hey yall. If any of yall are in central texas I'm sure you're aware of the record breaking cold snowstorm weve been having. My power has been out for 2 days, and I had to leave my fish tanks behind when I went to stay with a relative. (Wrapped the tanks before we left) When we came back this...
  11. Jan Cavalieri

    I lost 17 fish today

    The loss occurred after a massive water change. I'm the one with the weird brown slime algae (it also turns white sometimes). My assistant was no longer under quarantine for COVID so she came over last night and did a water change on my 60 gallon tank. This tank primarily contains...
  12. Circus

    Determined Jumper

    So I had a betta jump out of his tank today. His name was Spangle and he was a Half-moon King. I found him when I got home from work. It looked like the tank lid had been shoved over a bit, probably by my dog bumping into the tank stand. I had a kind of DIY lid on it, just a piece of plexiglass...
  13. A

    Need help emergency! Betta and cardinal terra

    Bit of a long post but please read all PLEASE NOTE I am brand new to this and have only had my fish for around 1 week : I Have got a 30L tropical tank, which was left cycling for nearly 2 weeks before any fish went in. There is lots of live plants also some plastic ones, lots of hiding spots...
  14. C

    Can anyone suggest what wrong?

    Hi All! My first post on here so please be nice haha So I’ve had my tank for around about 2 months now. I’ve got 3 German blue rams, 3 cobalt dwarf gourami, 8 neon tetras, 5 black phantom tetras, 3 Mickey Mouse plattys, 3 rummynose, 3 Cory cats, 5 reed tetras and 4 gold terras and 5 harlequins...
  15. TheRisingPhoenix

    Bacterial growth on fish eyes HELP DIAGNOSE!!!

    Hello everyone, I am new to this forum but not at all new to fish forums in general. I am an experienced freshwater tropical (mostly SA Cichlids) fish and reptile enthusiast. I am having issues in my 72 bowfront planted South American Cichlid community. I dose DIY Co2 (Citric acid/Baking...
  16. S

    Urgently Need Advice

    Hi, I have a 75litre freshwater aquarium, water conditions normal on test strips and water is conditioned(been having a misty water issue but it is improving), carbon integrated filters and heated of course. (1/4 water change - 2 days ago) 3 male mollies, 9 female mollies, 3 molly fry, 1 female...
  17. P

    Giant Danios Still Swimming Without Eyes ?

    SERIOUS FISHY DILEMA My giant danios, allthough still at 4, I have 2 missing both eyes, 1 missing 1 eye and 1 completely fine. Thinking back, I only ever 'recovered' 2 bodies through out my dissearance madness. I origionally got 8, lost 3 in 2 days and put it down to bad stock/ acclimatisation...