fish compatability

  1. quinnARIUM

    Can these fish really live with Discus?

    Hi everyone! I currently have 10 lemon tetras in a 20 gal quarantine tank (they will be moved into the 75 gal shortly). I purchased these fish for my 75 gal discus tank. I don't have it set up quite yet and won't be getting the discus for a few months, but I wanted to verify these tetras could...
  2. G

    Pink Zebra Danios with Rosy Barbs ?

    (Dont mind my bad English) I have 7 Rosy barbs in my 40gal tank who are 1.5 - 2.5 inches in sizes. They were living with a gourami(3 spot). The gourami have grown way too big so I've given her back to the fish store. I saw there some beautiful pink zebra danios and was very tempted to buy those...
  3. J

    200L (48 gallon) Tank stocking advice

    I am in the process of cycling a 200L (123 cm x 44 cm x 36 cm) tank. I have a black sand substrate combined with Fluval stratum in some of the more heavily planted areas (note this is my first ever planted tank). My plants are from my LFS and are: Java fern (normal) x3 Java fern (needle leaf)...
  4. I

    Compatable Fish?

    I had a small fish tank with an otocinclus catfish and two neon tetras.  We just purchased an already established tank over craigslist for an amazing deal! Problem is, I don't know if the fish are compatable with my fish.  The previous owners could not remember the types of fish so I have...