Ok my friend of mine that i used to have back in DeviantArt and still now on Instagram wants me to know which species of fish are they well i do not know that they are from the Americas, Africa or Asia but that's just want to help you with the identifications with these?
I have a 40 liter tank and the water temperature is usually between 24-28°C. The water hardness is 50 FR. I want to keep only one sex of fish to avoid breeding. Can you suggest a peaceful species that can live in these conditions?
I’m getting a 200 litre tropical tank delivered soon (Fluval Roma 200)
I have a 450litre community tank (kitty tetras, ember tetras, guppy’s, rummy noses, bristlenoses etc etc).
This new tank I am looking at getting a single, larger fish (around 15cm adult size give or take), to house on...
My 100L Tank has a PH of 6, at least this is what it reads when testing (using API Master Test Kit). I was wondering if I should go about trying to raise the PH and if so, what the best way to go about doing this is?
as the title says I have a 2.5-gallon tank. one of those cheap bowfront 2.5 betta tanks, and I was wondering what I can culture because I am hoping to breed angel fish by feeding them live foods.
Hello, recently one of my fish got this weird white spot that look like a bite or something else, I’m not sure what is that and if I should be concerned about it.
Hi all
Fairly new to fish keeping. Had a little hobby tank for a year and ender up getting a bigger one about 6 months ago and my 2 platy fish had babies. The babies are growing up but noticed one of them has got a large white spot it's head. We had white spot a few months ago but they were...
I have a spare 25 gallon that I am going to use for a betta. I have some questions on what to get and how to make sure my betta isn't just happy and living, but Thriving and joyful.
Food :
What are the best flake options?
What are the best pellet options?
What are the best...
This is kind of a silly question, BUT DON’T CLICK OFF OF THIS THREAD!!!!
This is important…
If you breed livebearers, specifically guppies and endlers, how do you breed them?
I’m talking specifically about your method, setup, preferences, etc.
You would know I am very interested in this...
A few months ago, my mums friend had to move and couldnt take her fish. She had 2 platies and 1 guppy. They were in a tiny tank with a small plastic plant. I decided to keep them and they were very happy in a larger tank. I only have my female platy left now. But I was wondering, her bottom lip...
Hi, I have just got a 200l tank and I'm not sure what substrate to use. Some people say hydroton clay balls are best but others say the Seachem Fluorite is best. The tank I got comes with a ton of gravel which I would love to use but I'm not sure if it's good? I dont know the name of it as it...
So I've had a male and female Dwarf Gourami in a 60 Litre tank for 4 months and had zero issues, but the last couple of days I've noticed them on the floor of the tank and the female seems to just rest on the bottom almost panting. I thought that they were supposed to be mid to top dwellers in...
Hello everyone. I just recently purchased a couple female cuban limia fish from a petstore around me. I did some general research on them and was prepared for the buy. I’ve got my water parameters around where they like it as I am pretty sure that they are closely related to mollies. I guess my...
hey there, so basically I have a 60L tank in my bedroom, it currently has two guppies, 1 molly and 6 neon tetras.. my fav fish, the molly was displaying signs of swim bladder disease and I recently got some treatment from Maidenhead aquatics.
I was in a rush and without reading instructions...
Hey guys, I have a 55-60 gallon tank, I’m looking to get another mate(s) for the tank. I have 10 tiger barbs about an inch or less in length and 2 3 inch Pictus catfish. All are doing well together. I have two pleco as well.
hi, so i’ve got some danio and platy fish in my tank and i didn’t know that any were pregnant however when i looked in my tank tonight i saw this hovering near the filter and I was just wondering if anyone could tell me what breed it is. I’ve been looking very closely on images and videos of...
So, a snail in my dad's tank died. It's been there for at least a year, I don't remember. However exact age is unknown since it was a river snail. I think that most likely one of the other fish ate it, but he insists it was old age. I highly doubt that because that's his go to whenever...
My 45G is currently stocked with
- 12 Neon Tetras
- 8 Otos
- 8 Guppy Endlers
- 4 Panda Cories
- 1 Male Kribensis
I was wondering if anyone have some good suggestions for a colorful/good schooling fish that would make a good addition to the tank. Thanks!
Note: I use to have black skirt...
I've heard that you should quarantine new plants and fish. Is this accepted practice in the community? If so, pet stores are in the wrong for selling such dangerous stock enough to kill fish. If there's instances where they sell sick fish or harmful plants isn't that animal abuse and shouldn't...
These are mine.
Angelfish. I like their body shape and the way it looks like they glide across the water.
Discus. I've heard that these fish are very smart, and they look like colorful pancakes from their flat bodies.
Pea pufferfish. It's cool that we can have freshwater small pufferfish as...
For those of you that have read my other posts, I am not getting any more fish any time soon until I solve the situation with my current tank. This question is for the future down the line when I no longer face life threatening issues with fish. However, I will list all my current stocking with...
So, this may be a bit of a random one, but has anyone had any weird / disappointing encounters at pet shops? The last handful of times I went into my local pet shop, I noticed a large amount of their fish were dead, so the last time I was there, I politely mentioned to them that I wanted some...
Hi all,
I bought the java moss about 2 months ago and it's been sitting in water in a plastic tray on my window sill growing waiting for me to get around to doing something with it, hence this post.
I have read that rinsing it, soaking in a 5% chlorine solution for 20 minutes, and then rinsing...
Hi guys, some may not know, but I have a YouTube channel. The YouTube channel is solely based for animals, specifically my pets. I will be posting daily, and I have a fantastic selection of videos, and from now on I will log them here. Feel free to check them out and give me feedback. Stay a while 🍻
Hi all! I have just completed the set up of my first aquarium. It has driftwood, sand, a plant nutrition soil and plenty of plants. Something on the aquascape seems a bit off to me and I'm wondering if anybody has any tips! This tank is an EHEIM LED second-hand 150 litre aquarium, 60cm x 50cm. I...
I'm relatively new to keeping fish and although I haven't had any problems with establishing my tank (60L) - I've noticed that my filter (Superfish AquaFlow 200) is a bit too strong, and although it comes with a spray bar, it seems to be pushing air through creating lots of bubbles and my...
I went to an exotic reptile and amphibian shop. I saw some axelotles in Tupperware containers with some air holes in them. Is this normal for pet stores to keep axelotles like this? There was almost no room for movement and smelled absolutely terrible. Just wandering if this is reasonable...
Hi, I recently bought some new fish for my aquarium a few days ago. They are 3 mollies and 2 guppies. Yesterday I noticed that a female Molly was acting strange, going up and down the tank and then staying at the bottom of the tank. I did a water change and tested the water and all levels were...
Well cared for fish and tank content. Selling only because we're moving to a salt water tank.
Will also provide care information and tips on each fish etc.
Selling all together or individually:
Mollies - $4 each
Platies - $3 each
Angelfish - $12
Neon Tetras - $3 each - SOLD
Guppies - $4...
I've been trying to figure out what type of fish that I have for the last 2 years. I have asked several different pet stores and fish supply companies and nobody seems to know. We thought it was a Uaru but I've been searching and he doesn't look like any that I've seen on the internet. I think...
I noticed a couple of days ago that my big female bronze cory was panting. Normally they move their mouth/gills when eating food, but she does this constantly now and has never shown this behavior before. Other than her mouth/gills moving rapidly, she also goes up for air a bit more than usual-...
Hi everyone!
I was hoping to get some help. So, I got a freshwater tank in Setember last year. I follow all the tips i could find so it would go smootly.
I have 7 corys in the tank and 3 plecos (i know you not supposed to keep plecos together, i didnt know about that until recently but they...