fin rot sick betta damaged fin disappearing fin

  1. caroline12

    Betta fin rot... again!!

    Hey guys!! My bettas fin rot was finally going away and now it's back and worse than ever. I have been doing 90% water changes daily, adding the medical stuff called Bettafix along with a bit of aquarium salt to kill any bacteria. It was good for awhile but has gotten significantly worse and I...
  2. S

    Betta fin rot not going away

    Hi, sorry if this sounds like a common question, but I’ve had my half moon betta fish for around a year now but in the last two months or so his tail has been shredded. It looks as if it’s been tearing from the body instead of the tips of his tail. I’ve been doing weekly water changes but now I...
  3. S

    Fin rot in betta?

    I got my beta a few months ago and he seemed completely fine until about a week ago when I saw his find turning white. I’ve been treating him with aquarium salt and stress coat + but he seems to be getting worse every day. Parts of his fins are falling off, but he still seems very lively and normal,
  4. M


    I have had my crowntail betta for a month and a half. The week I got him I noticed he had a nearly invisible black spot of fin rot, I figured if I kept up with water changes it would fix itself but it's now all over his fins. His fins are ragged, black at the tips and developing small holes in...
  5. G

    Something with the fin

    Hello everyone. My fish has problem with the fins-I've seen small pieces of it on the bottom of the tank. Is it fin rot or something else? I use aquarium salt for a week now, problem persists.