fin melt

  1. N

    Betta fin melt/rot help!!

    Hi-- I have another thread open about this issue but am seeking additional help for secondary questions I have. I have a male butterfly named Mushu in a 5.5 gal heated and filtered planted tank with sand, driftwood, 3 ghost shrimp and moss balls. I have done a fish in cycle (cycle may not be...
  2. N

    Betta fin melt/rot help!!

    Hi-- I have another thread open about this issue but am seeking additional help for secondary questions I have. I have a male butterfly named Mushu in a 5.5 gal heated and filtered planted tank with sand, driftwood, 3 ghost shrimp and moss balls. I have done a fish in cycle (cycle may not be...
  3. RCA

    A Retirement Home For Bob

    Hi all, this is the recent journey of Bob, my old Siamese Fighter and his move to his retirement home.   Bob originally came to me after I picked up an old tank for £1 at a car boot in the South and then spent about £60 kitting it out!  When I first got him all his fins had been ripped off by...