
  1. Irksome

    Is she likely to pass on her big tail to her offspring?

    My new guppy! She dropped some fry today but unfortunately perceived the moment of each birth as snack time. Luckily a few escaped. Her tail is larger then the male she is with, I’ve not seen a female with fins so big before.
  2. D

    Dalmatian Molly Not Swimming

    Help! I just set up a tank less than a week ago with 5 female mollies. I’m new to this but it’s important to me that my fish are happy and healthy. One of my mollies seems off. She doesn’t swim around and stays in the top corner near the heater. My other 4 mollies seem fine and swim around. At...
  3. ella777

    White poop from platy?

    I have a question, my female swordtail eats a lot. She is about 3 inches long. She is rather fat, I'm not sure if shes pregnant or just overweight. I rescued her from a friend, she was living in a very small tank with a single plastic plant and two other very unhappy fish. A guppy and a platy...
  4. ella777

    Kuhli Loaches?

    How many kuhli loaches should I get? I only have one currently, I was thinking 5 more? I'm pretty sure mine is a male, I dont want any babies. Should I get more males or will that cause fights? Can I get females and have no babies?
  5. ella777

    Anyone know how to stop breeding?

    Hello! How can I house 6 rosy barbs without them breeding? I already have 1 male and 2 young females and I'm getting 3 more soon. The male has been chasing the females around quite a bit and I don't know if he's trying to breed or make friends. I definitely don't want them breeding. Apparently...
  6. E

    Is my pregnant guppy about to give birth?

    I have had this female guppy for about 2 weeks and she's been pregnant since day 1. I just separated her into a birthing container but am unsure if she's actually about to give birth soon. Her belly seems to have that "shape" I've read about and her gravid spot has gotten very big over the last...
  7. S

    Opaline/blue gourami male bring aggressive or is this natural

    We not long ago got 2 opaline gourami. One female (pearl) and one male (opal). Male seems to chase the female around a lot. It is more around feeding time. I don’t know if he does it at night, or if it’s just when he thinks there is food. Is there any advice or signs to look for? the stuff...
  8. Kelseyghardin125

    Guppy Female Endler Protrusion

    Hello again! Does this look normal on my female Endler guppy? There’s like a protrusion there on her belly closer to her head than her anal vent. I haven’t noticed any behavioral changes in her tho and nothing drastic has changed over the last few days so I’m not sure what could have caused it...
  9. M

    Aggression levels of betta brothers

    Hey so, recently my opal male betta and koi female mated and I have been raising their fry for 3 weeks now. I plan on selling/giving away the male offspring and actually wondered if male betta brothers who have always lived in the same space together will get along as adults too. I am assuming...
  10. A

    Platy looks female... sometimes

    I know how to tell the difference between a male and female platy. But this platy confuses me. It swims around like its a male, but that anal fin sometimes moves and spreads open like a female. It's hard to see, but there is a bit of a web between the body and the anal fin. The web isn't as...
  11. A

    Have they given me a female? Please help me sex my Endler

    I have an established planted tank with all male Endlers, I bought some more fish today from the same place as before and was reassured they are all males as they don’t keep females. I was a bit confused because the first time I bought the fish the guy spent ages fishing out only males but now...
  12. Dopatri

    Is my guppy pregnant?

    Hi, I’m wondering if my female guppy is pregnant, she looks pregnant to me, but I could do with other people’s opinions. I’m just a bit skeptical because the previous female guppy I bought ended up dying 3 days after I got her. I was told she was pregnant from the store I got her but I’m pretty...
  13. D

    Pregnant or not?

    Fish with light yellow tail- is this slightly albino? This fish has been growing larger by the day lately and is showing a similar shape to my pregnant guppy. I can’t see a gravid spot, this is why I’m wondering if it is albino as I have searched on the internet about this. Any help would be...
  14. Circus


    Am I underfeeding my female BN Pleco? I give her 1/2 of a sera spirulina tablet every other day. I put the tab in front of her and she quickly gobbles it up. I target feed her and make sure the cardinal tetra in the tank with her don't steal it. She always finishes it in under a minute, does...
  15. C

    Confusion, is my swordtail a swordtail and is it male or female?

    Hi All, I’m new to this so go easy on me! Last week I bought 3 female swordtails to go with my current male swordtail. Unfortunately 2 died and this is the last one however I am super confused. It has a gonopodium, suggesting it is a male however it doesn’t have a long sword. It’s rather large...
  16. H

    How long does it take for a female betta to reabsorb eggs?

    My female delta is gravid. I have seen her breeding bars and her ovipositor is more prominent. I have been fasting her five days a week for two weeks and she has yet to drop or absorb her eggs. Her tank is well established and when I checked the water parameters ammonia and nitrites were 0 and...
  17. C

    How to tell which one is a female or a male?

    i'm new to having fish (Please excuse my english I normaly speak french). 2 of my gouramis are making a bubble nest.. and I was wondering what should I do about that.. I have 3 gouramis. The only one not making a nest is a dwarf (blue) and he couldnt care less about the two other lol. My...
  18. D

    Female Bristlenose Pleco (FL, USA)

    Livestock: Female bristlenose pleco Age and condition: approx. 1 year old, no record of any illness, approx. 1-2 inches in length Quantity for sale: 1 Reason for Sale: I was hoping she would be male when I got her about a year ago, but unfortunately she's a female. Delivery or Collection...
  19. M

    I can't tell if my platy is male or female?

    Hey, I recently got 4 platy and I had no idea about the live birth etc. So oooo........ Lol I definitely have 1 male and I'm pretty sure 2 females. There's one more but I can't tell if it's male or female. I'm trying to decide the best option to avoid having to deal with tonnes of fry...
  20. U

    Swollen or Pregnant female guppy?

    hello guys, I’ve currently got a 180l (40g I believe) tank, with dwarf hair grass, other live plants, and some hiding places etc. I’ve got 4 male guppy’s and 12 female guppy’s with 4 shrimp. I’ve noticed a female (I believe) guppy has a swollen belly, eats fine swims fine etc but sometimes...
  21. F

    What type of honey gourami is this?

    Hello everyone, I'm relatively new to fish keeping and have had a burning question for a while now. In the picture I've been wondering what type of honey gourami it is because it's a nice brown colour and looks like a female so would be nice to keep with a male so if anybody knows I would...
  22. Vengified

    Fry in Tank, how to W/C, etc. And UNIQUE female. And tank pics.

    So, I have several questions/concerns, and also a few pics I would like some opinions/information on, so please livebear with me, on my livebearer inquiries! :clap: Sorry it's rather long winded. Also, before anyone asks, I do know the nitrogen cycle, my tank is fully cycled, ph 8.0, hardness...
  23. Vengified

    Possibly Sterile Female? Wasting Disease? Worms?

    So, I have a female guppy whom appears different than the rest of my females. She has always been blonde, and always appeared slightly different than the rest. But the others purchased with her, and a couple after her, are all visibly pregnant, with a couple about to pop any day now. I was...
  24. W

    Preg. Female Molly Agressive towards Male

    We just recently lost a female molly due to who knows what. No other issues in the tank, she just never grew then started acting completely strange and died. So we bought a Dalmatian lyre tail for our very large and "needy" black molly so he could have 3 females again. Mind you, he and the...
  25. J

    Male Platy bullying Female Black Molly

    I am really hoping someone can help me out! I started out with two platys (one male, one female) and one black molly(female). the molly got cotton mouth and spread it to the platys and in healing them I noticed my black molly becoming “annoying” to the male platy. not even aggressive, just...
  26. Cameronb_01

    Breeding Discus

    Hi everyone, About a week ago I identified a breeding pair among my discus, (due to their constant proximity and the protective nature of the male). From that point forth I started doing 25% RO water changes daily, increased the temperature from 28°C to 30°C and also changed their food to...
  27. J

    Is my dwarf gourami female??!!

    Hey all! My post yesterday was me trying to find a place to purchase a female dwarf gourami to go with my male. I could not find any locally-or so I thought. My school is far away and along the hour drive there is a petco. I went on my way back and the guy there said he had what he thought was a...
  28. J

    Looking to buy FEMALE DWARF GOURAMI

    Hello everyone! I'm fairy new here and set up my tank recently. I've got a good filter, tank temp, tank and water parameters and I have one powder blue dwarf gourami. I'm looking to buy a red flame female gourami or really any female dwarf gourami for that matter. I've checked the usual places...
  29. O

    Looking to keep an all female Betta tank. What do I need to know/be aware of?

    I've been looking to set up an all female Betta tank. It is a 40G that is ready for the fish. I've read up on the basics of keeping such a housing, but what are your tips for keeping an all-female tank?
  30. M

    Hyper Betta - is This Normal?

    Tank Details TANK > https://www.petsmart.ca/fish/starter-kits/top-fin-3.5-gallon-enchant-aquarium-38392.html?cgid=300128 SUBSTRATE > https://www.petsmart.ca/fish/decor-gravel-and-substrate/gravel-sand-and-stones/top-fin-caribbean-sea-aquarium-gravel-17573.html?cgid=300103 HEATER >...
  31. D

    Cherry Shrimp, Male or Female?

    Can someone help me identify this cherry shrimp to see whether it is a female or male. It is the one that has the white thing on the top of it. http://imgur.com/a/B7Dg8 http://imgur.com/a/3i7xi
  32. M

    Can someone please sex this dwarf Gourami for me?

    Hello Everyone, This is my fist post. I'm been in and out of fish/aquatic hobby for a long time and recently got back in and so far have built 3 Walstad style tanks. I have a 55 gallon, 20 gallon & 5 gallon all Walstad style planted tanks. My 55 gallon is my oldest at 6 months now and I can...
  33. J

    One platy fins looks like it has been attacked

    Hello, I have a 75 litre fish tank that has 4 neon tetras and 5 platys in 2 female and 3 male. Yesterday i noticed that one of the female platys was just floating in the current of the tank putting in just enough effort to keep stable in the water.on closer inspection i noticed her fins have...
  34. Fc1700

    Tankmate(s) for a Single Convict Cichlid?

    I have a single female convict in my 20 gallon long. I got her about 10 months ago, and she's been alone since I added her with a blue ram who was bigger than her at the time and she ended up killing. came back one day and the rams eye was missing . That's when I realized their aggressiveness is...
  35. irinasopas

    Introduction and Need urgent help

    Hello. My name is Irina, I love fish. I have an aquarium with guppys, bettas (3 females and 1 male) and others. My female betta is egg bound and I don't know what to do. PLEASE HELP ME.
  36. J

    Blue Acaras Not Eating

    I have 2 blue acaras, they are in a 10 gallon by themselves. I've noticed that the male has started the courting, pulling on plants, vibrating ect. I've also noticed that they've began to dig through the rocks? Now neither of them are eating?? WHY?? All the food that I've given them is all on...
  37. cooledwhip

    Female Betta Tank?

    Hey everyone. A few years ago I was really into bettas and had 2 really nice bettas I ordered on aquabid. They were really pretty and not the petsmart muts. (no offense ;)   Anyway, they died off a little while ago and for about a couple months I never had fish. I recently got back into it, I...
  38. L

    Betta Breeding Question

    I want to breed my two halfmoon Betta's. I have done all the bloodlines of both my female and male, I think the offspring would be quite good. I have asked the local pet store if they would like some Betta fish, they agreed.   Question is that, can I keep the male offspring together? (Obviously...
  39. N

    Please Help Id Mbuna Species And Sex

    Hi All, I've waited for my pet to mature before asking for help in identification.  She/he has matured into a very beautiful Mbuna and I would love to add several others.  I've been searching over the last year unsuccessfully.  The closest I've come is the Metriclima family, yet there are stark...
  40. LyraGuppi

    My Sorority *pic Heavy*

    Here are the betta girls of my 20 gallon sorority. :)   Pearl, cellophane lady with blueish tinged fins.   Amethyst, a weird color. Fins that look purple in the right lighting, but reflect silver, red, and blue, and purple spots on her side. :?   Topaz, the shy cambodian female.  ...