I have an old Rondomatic 400 fish feeder that recently stopped working. I took it apart but wasn't aware that the plastic gears would all fall out upon opening it. Does anyone know how to put them back? The motor seems to work okay so I think maybe it just got jammed. I would be interested...
It wasn't hard to tell their gender when I first got them, but I want to know: are they feeder or Fancy guppies? I got them for free because they were older fry.
They are rather plain looking, save for the male (and he sometimes has a black oval on each of his sides), and one female has only...
Hello everyone, I'm new to this site and relatively new to the hobby as well!
I have a number of tanks set up at the moment, but my main focus for now is my 21 gallon housing 2 warmouths. I know they aren't tropical, but i love my fish anyway :)
I'm getting tired of running to the pet store all...