
  1. TCJeeper

    Returning to the hobby

    Hello all! I've been itching to get back to this hobby for awhile after I helped my wife upgrade a decrepit 10 gallon she had. I set her up with a 20 gallon bow front with some easy to keep tetras and Molly's and now I'm looking to go big. Been researching a lot and brushing back up on my...
  2. P

    My Betta tank

    This is a photo of my Betta tank I've been cycling for a few weeks. The Betta and horned nerite snails will be shipped on Monday!! I'm so nervous because I've never shipped fish before
  3. dalisonc

    Hi There!

    Hi Everyone!   So excited to finally post here. I've been meaning to introduce myself for some time now. I got distracted by setting up my first tank. Yay! I was going to post on here before setting it up and ask for opinions but one day my bf and I decided lets do it. Fortunately for me he...