
  1. JackieP

    I think my betta fish has fin rot

    Her fins really just look bad to me. They’ve darkened and it looks like they’re becoming smaller. I think she actually just had dropsy which is now better because of the epsom salt baths. I know dropsy is just a symptom of a disease. Let me know what you think.
  2. JackieP

    Nevermind lol

  3. JackieP

    Does my betta have dropsy??

    So I’ve posted a thread about this a week ago. I thought it was bloating or constipation and I fasted her for three days and started feeding her less and it just seems like it’s gotten worse. She used to swim around so much and now she just kinda floats near the top. I’m scared it’s dropsy but...
  4. JackieP

    Does my betta fish look bloated?

    I feel like I’ve seen her skinnier than this. I think she might be constipated but I’m not sure. I tested my water everything’s fine. I fasted her for a day but I see like no change. I feed her four pellets a day during the week and frozen blood worms on the weekend. Please help thanks.
  5. JackieP

    What tank heater should I buy?

    I’ve had my fish tank since August and I’ve been able to avoid getting a heater since I live in Florida. Now it’s going to start getting in the 50s and I really don’t want my water to get cold. I have a 5.5 gallon tank for my betta fish. What heater should I buy? I’m scared because a lot of...
  6. JackieP

    Is this fin rot?? Or something else? PLEASE HELP.

    Ok so I’ve been on here already because my betta fish has some tears in her fins and I’m trying to figure out why. But look at these pictures of before and after. That’s how her fins looked month ago and that’s how they look now. Like doesn’t that look like fin rot or something? They look like...
  7. JackieP

    Bettas fin ripped what should I do? Please help!

    Hello I think my betta might’ve accidentally ripped her fin. She likes to push herself between the plants in my tank and I wonder if she might’ve injured her fin doing that. Should I just leave it alone? Thanks :)
  8. JackieP

    Betta acting weird and breathing weird please help!

    I took a video but it won’t let me upload it. Well basically my betta will just sit there like this randomly and take like big breaths in and out. Like not fast but just big. She did this for two minutes straight until she started swimming again. I don’t have any ammonia or nitrites just a...