electric blue ram

  1. L

    Electric blue rams acting weird!

    I’ve had these 2 Electric blue rams for just under a month and they are swimming closely together in a weird pattern, head butting each other and squaring up. I asked for a pair but I'm guessing they are both males. Can someone try and gender these and explain what they are doing. Thankyou
  2. L

    Help, Algae eating fish needed

    Hey, I have a 56 litre tank but I can’t seem to find any algea eaters that’ll be okay with the fish I have in my tank. I have 3 Electric Blue Rams, One Dwarf Gourami, and 5 Serpae Tetras. I had otos before but they keep dying. The tank doesn’t produce that much algae it’s quite far away from the...
  3. Annemarie

    29 Gallon stocking

    I know I’ve done a few of these regarding fish that would be okay but I’ve finally decided what I really want. I was thinking... 1: Pearl gourami 1: electric blue ram 3: Albino cherry barb 3: Cherry barb 5: Kuhli Loaches 4-5: Emperor tetras 4-5: neon tetras 1: Diamond Head Neon Tetra I...
  4. scotty027

    Electric Blue Ram help! Fighting or pairing?

    Hello,ive recently picked up a pair Electric Blue Rams. I asked for male and female, but i dont think he knew what he was doing, and im having a really hard time telling as well. Anyway, since day one they have been doing this little dance 2 or 3 times a day where they circle around each other...
  5. Sharknado99

    Blue Electric Ram Chasing Balloon Ram

    I just got two small balloon rams. They're really tiny and cute but the electric blue ram who was initially in that tank doesnt seem to like one of them and keeps chasing him/her around the tank. I'm worried it might stress her out and eventually kill her. There are plenty of hiding spots but he...