Hello Tropical Fish Forums! I'm a long time reader, first time writer. Can you please help me figure out if my betta is egg bound, constipated, or has dropsy? Video for reference: .
Symptoms: Swollen belly for about 2-3 weeks. I first noticed when I got my male betta. They were never housed...
Hi all, wanted some advice/help. Yesterday I picked up two females I had bought two weeks prior to put in my son's new cycled empty tank. The seller says that one of them has become "egg bound" due to "stress" of being keep an extra day in partitioned tank next to male. When I took them home...
My betta Koral has been severely bloated for about a week and a half. She is still eating and very energetic and does not act sick, but something must be wrong! this cannot be normal. everyone is saying its dropsy and that theres nothing I can do to keep her from dying. but ive read online that...
Do you think I can save this girl?
Any advice welcome.
This is what she would typically look like:
So as you can she she is normally a little round, but she has got larger over the past 24 hours:
What you can see is she is larger on one side and it looks like there is some reddening on...