
  1. danajs


    Could anyone tell me what deficiency my Amazon Sword (Reni) is experiencing? I suspect iron, but am not 100% sure! TIA
  2. Barry Tetra

    Echinodorus species identification

    Hello everyone! I bought this plant from a house plant store and apparently, they sold the plant as an “amazon lily”, they don’t know what species it is :/ I want to know what species this echinodorus is, can anyone Identify this? I also need an instruction on how to take care of this...
  3. notg2009

    Echinodorus Bleheri Propagation

    Hey everyone, My bleheri (sword) plant has grown a long stem with what appear to be two smaller plants involving the stem. I'm not sure if cutting the stem around the smaller units would give me viable offsprings or if this stem is meant to reach the surface and flower.   Any help appreciated.  ...