
  1. Captain holt

    Gentle giant- Oscar

    Anyone else’s Oscar been a gentle giant? I’ve had my fair share of psychotic oscars lol but since buying Rudy around a year ago I’ve noticed that she’s been the most placid and gentle Oscar I’ve ever had. She’s been raised up around some very small fish and whilst intrigued by them, hasn’t ever...
  2. R

    Is this Ich or something else on my EBA?

    Hi All, I have a 55g with a school of 15 black skirt tetras and then 2 Electric Blue Acaras, both extremely young, 1 about 2.5 inches and the other maybe 1.5 inches. I believe this ich but i'm not 100% certain. I noticed small spots on one of my tetra and immediately raised the temp to about...
  3. Guyb93

    Why would she change her territory

    About a month ago I added this small useless internal filter when my corys stated to die , yano grasping at anything that could help , and since on iv just left it in there as a bit of a food debris collection, yesterday I cleaned it completely as have the massive external so wasn’t worried...
  4. Guyb93

    Girly fights

    Looks like my two female electric blue acara have had an argument .... again the smaller one in the photo is the more aggressive and claims boss but her rival is getting big they normally square off for a while then nip at each other but today they are lip licking bad I tried to split them with...
  5. RickT.Foster

    Electric Blue Acara Questions

    Hey Guys,     Just wondering if anyone has experience or knowledge on the Electric Blue Araca? I bought one about 2 months ago.  First time I've ever seen one.  But before I bought it I read up on them, and as far as aggression goes, all I've read is that they are pretty peaceful for a Cichlid...