
  1. RCA

    Super Red Bristlenose Plecostomus

    http://youtu.be/9SbBQ6Gwmjc Although posted elsewhere, as we have a dedicated area, I thought I would share for your viewing pleasure...enjoy...feedback on how to improve my videos are welcomed as still early days.
  2. RCA

    Peacock Gudgeons: Journey Of The Fry

    Although posted elsewhere, as we have a dedicated area, I thought I would share for your viewing pleasure...enjoy...feedback on how to improve my videos are welcomed as still early days. https://youtu.be/3Bv3DRTyQdM
  3. RCA

    ><)))*> Goodbye Juwel Vision, Planted Aquarium Breakdown

    This video shows the breakdown of my Juwel 180 planted aquarium, which was set up almost 3 years to the day. The fish have kindly been taken by a family who have not had an aquarium before, yet are acting as a foster family until I have moved and am in a position for the fish to return...
  4. RCA

    Bogwood, How To Prepare To Remove Snails And Not Kill Plants...

    I have a stunning piece of Bogwood, that has small tufts of most likely an algae on it. I am having to shut down my lovely planted aquarium for a move. I am dipping all plants in Potassium Permanganate to ensure I kill any snail eggs, as they have got out of control. Research has not...