dying cory

  1. V

    Can corydoras die from gravel?

    I have aquarium gravel, which I know isn't ideal, but I didn't think it could be problematic. Could it be the reason my cories are dying off? My water parameters check out fine, but I only have test strips. I'm getting a test kit later on today so then I'll know for sure if water quality is an...
  2. V

    My tank is so depressing now

    There's two platies and two corydoras of different species. There used to be more than that and now I don't want to look in the tank. I used to have a school of corydoras, but they all died off one by one to parasites I guess if that can kill them a day/a few hours after showing symptoms. A...
  3. V

    Cories dying again

    This is extremely stressful. Now out of my three survivors, one is on the ground not moving again. I went on vacation so I couldn't monitor the water everyday. During the vacation, there was no food given, and lights off. Water parameters turned out fine according to the card that came with it...
  4. bianca_m35

    Corydoras wont stop dying

    Sooo I'm really starting to get frustrated. I had 9 panda Cory's, 6 peppered corys, and 6 bronze corys. I'm left 5 bronze and 1 peppered Cory. Well I got 5 new peppered corys and now one of my bronze corys died. So peppered corys and 4 bronze at the moment. They eat a very big range of foods...
  5. C

    Is my 1y/o cory dying?? I dont want to lose her.

    I had an albino cory since i started my 5g with my betta about a year ago. Petstore said it was a good algae cleaner. I didnt know better. Since then i learned about groups. Finally saved for a bigger tank. Got a 20g. Lost my betta. It was just my cory, mystery snail, and some hitchhikers from...