
  1. G

    Help! My betta fish is acting strange

    i just bought a half-moon betta a month ago and he was perfectly fine for most of that time. I started him out in water that had been cleaned with filter charcoal. After about 3 weeks he got lethargic and started to sit at the bottom of the tank more often. My tank has a waterfall filter so I...
  2. E

    Sick Betta?

    Hi all, My name is Emily and I have had my bet ta Regina for about 3 months now. She has never really been very crazy, she usually swims around fine and hides a lot near the water filter in her tank. This past week she has been laying on the bottom of her tank, or on top of her princess castle...
  3. V

    My Zebra Danio has a chunk missing? scab?

    Hi. I straight away i want to say I am not great with all the measurements like pH and all. but.. Few weeks age my danio was hiding away and rocking side to side. Then, it suddenly starred swimming around with other fish and swimming around alot. However his colour went pale. The moment he got...
  4. Chippers255

    Only My Tiger Barbs are Dying?

    As the title suggests I have a community tank but only my Tiger Barbs are dying. I woke up this morning and everything seemed fine, an hour later 2 were dead, 1 died this afternoon, and 1 died this evening. Does anybody have any idea what could affect my tiger barbs only? So you have a bit of...
  5. S

    Please Help! Gourami Having Difficulty Breathing.

    Please help... My Giant Gourami is having difficulty breathing. She seems to gasping for air, and recently has not eaten much for a few months now. She also seems weak, not moving much starting from yesterday until today. I just tried a water change and added an additional oxygen pebble. Is it...